I'm not really in a great mood, but I still feel like updating my blog.. Things here are getting better. It seems like all of my friends are okay which is a great relief for me. I know five of them will evacuate to Auckland on Sunday and I am currently waiting for a call from the WSA manager to see if we somehow could accomodate them. I believe that everyone in Auckland, and wherever the people from Christchurch end up, should work together and do our best to ease up their situation. It is a national crisis going on and if there's anything I can do to help, I'll take it.
Otherwise, life goes on down here. I spoke to my job today and I'll start working 20 hrs/w in the next few days. I also recieved my application form from the Red Cross, and as soon as I decide what I want to do there and how much time I have (considering I must also have time for uni, 20 hours of work a week, travelling and having a social life) I'll send it back to them and get started on that too. This is going to be a couple of busy months, but I'd rather be busy than bored.
As for now, I'm going easy until everything's sorted out. With papers to fill in, fees to pay, work to do and money to make I don't feel like living the "crazy student life". My priority is to save up some money so that I can travel and see as much of the South Island as possible during my last couple of months here.
It feels unreal that I have to leave soon. I can't deny the fact that I am temped to stay. The only thing that keeps me is the study in Vaxjo I want to do. If I won't be accepted, I just might stay here another month or two, and then head off to Norway to work. I have my family and many friends in Sweden, but my heart and home is in New Zealand and I do not look forward to the day when I have to pack my bags and get on that jet plane. If only I could do my whole bachelor here. If only I could stay here for another three years.
If only
But life is life, and unfortunatley I can't do my whole bachelor here. Unfortunatley I can't stay here to work and save money. Unfortunatley, Norway or Sweden would be better in that case...
It is all very sad. I feel like I'm about to being kicked out of my home.
We'll, I have calls to make and things to take care of. I'll most likely be hard to reach the next couple of days or so. You all have to be patient since I can't answer all of your e-mails at once, I have no time nor energy.
Lot's of love

Thank whatever higher power there might be for keeping my friends safe <3
23 February....
There was another earthquake in Christchurch yesterday.
The city where I lived for three months, and left less than three days before the 6.3 quake which has caused, for now, 75 confirmed dead, a couple of hundred people missing, destroyed buildings and sorrow. I am safe in Auckland, but I can't help but feel despair and terror as a beautiful city is ruined and many people I know are the victims of it. This is by far the worst thing that happend here in NZ, and I can only cross my fingers for it to be the last catastrophy to happen to Christchuch.
First the 7.1 earthquake in September.
Then the Pike River accident, with 29 dead men.
Now, a 6.3 earthquake with all this misery, destruction and death.
I hope for the sake of the people in Christchurch that they can evacuate as soon as possible, recover from this terrible disaster and hopefully return back to Christchurch with renewed strength, hope and curage.
You are all in my mind, and I hope the rest of the world will do whatever they can do to help you.
As for me, I couldn't have been more grateful for leaving Christchurch with my sister two and a half days before the earthquake, as much as having my friends in uni from Christchurch here in Auckland with me. We should consider ourselves blessed.
Read more and see more pictures here
It's almost two in the morning, but in my time zone it's about seven in the afternoon, so I'm just about to start Lost and thought I'd heat some GARLIC BREAD to snack on. TURNS OUT it's not garlic bread, but HERBAL BREAD. I know I might sound like a pregnant woman with all these crazy cravings (I promise you I'm not!!!) but I'm so pissed off right now because of the friggin bread.
Just needed to share this with you. I'll just have my bread now and await "night". In my timezone, that is.

Nu kan du få mig så lätt
(Song by the Swedish artist Håkan Hellström)
Hey friends!
It's Monday, I'm sick and miserable and on my way to Countdown to buy some food. I'm in my workout tights and a sweatshirt, with swollen face and bad throat. Haha. I'll buy something good for me, maybe ice cream or Coco Pops, hahaha. Tomorrow is a big night out so I reckon I need some rest until then. Might get a movie as well, so that I can have a solo movie night =)
I'm out of here. Once again, sorry for any misspelled words, my keybord is broken and I have to rewrite everything about five times before all the letters actually get there. I need a new laptop indeed, first priority in Auckland!
My Career Goals For 2011
1. Get my foot in Red Cross. I applied for volonteership a few months ago without any replies. BUT I will not give up! I will keep working for it until I get it, because I really, really want this! I also have a friend in Auckland with contacts within Red Cross Auckland whom he goes to breakfast meetings with every now and then, and he promised to bring me to one of those. I can see myself working for Red Cross, so why not start right now?
2. Be accepted to my studies in Växjö, Sweden. That would be a great career move in the right directon studying public relations with specialization in peace- and development studies. Can't wait till 15 March when I can apply!
I have more goals, but they are not for 2011, rather 2013 so I'll keep them to myself for now.
Here is some information about my study from the University's web page (translated by me from Swedish, though)
"You will have great opportunities after graduation to influence wherever in the world you choose to work. Organisations and business within peace- and development, both in Sweden and abroad, are working more consciously with information and communication, which expands the occupation field. Employers are, amongst others, volunteer organisations, internationally active corporations, public authorities and international organs such as UN and EU."
"Assignments for a public relations officer within peace- and development work may vary; it might contain communication planning, crisis communication, campaign planning, world analysis, media contacts, lobbying and other forms of information broadcasting."
01.50 am, five days left
I'm quite hungry as well.. I had an omelette earlier today.. I was so delusional and confused, because I was tired, that I kept cracking up the eggs in the sink and throwing the peel in the bowl, it actually took me a while before I realized I was doing it all backwards.. Sometimes I speak Swedish to everyone when I'm drunk, it happend quite a few times at WSA and I remember my German friend Jannika telling me with a very parenting voice: "Louise, you know I don't speak Swedish so you'll have to tell me in English" and I barley realized I've spoken in the wrong language. It is rather confusing sometimes.
Well.. I thought that since I'm sick I deserved to be a fatty, so I've had one Calippo and some sweets. For now I feel a boiled egg (two in the morning?) so plan is to make an egg, watch the movie and fall asleep. I need my res and my body needs to recover.
And oh, five days left to AUCKLAND
Monday: NO PLANS, watch a movie and have a cosy night on my own?
Tuesday: Going out with Mohamed, as we do on Tuesdays
Wednesday: Going out for dinner, then drinks at My Bar (bar manager there wants me to pop in for free drinks, so I thought I'd give the bar a try)
Thursday: No certain plans yet, but might just be tequila night with Sarah
Friday: WORK
Saturday: Going back up north to see my kiwi family, I've missed ya!

At Micky Finn's, my second home in ChCh
Sunday, lazy day
My plan which consisted of resting in the couch for two hours then Hagley Park turned in to passing out in the couch for 5 hours and no Hagley Park at all.. I suppose I needed to sleep so fair enough. Well I'm sick as hell so I've decided not to move for the rest of the day at all. I just got some sweets from the dairy and there's good shit on tv for the rest of the night so if someone wants something from me, they'll have to come here.
Back to Big Bang Theory, candy and myself.

six nations, that's how we roll
- my computer is going towards a slow and painful death, the keybord isn't working properly anymore so any misspelling or similarities are to blaim on that defect
- instead of going to bed after work this moring, we went to an English pub to watch the rugby game between Scotland and Wales with a beer
- instead of going to bed after the game, we had red wine and played fifa '11
- instead of going to bed after fifa, I just went home to get some food and relax, and I'll be out of here in two hours or so, going to Hagley Park for live music and perhaps BBQ
- I am insanely sick with a cold and can't stop sneezing, just wonderful working around people constantly focusing on not sneezing up their face rather than being friendly and all. However, last night was probably my best night at MF's so far
Well, I'm not quite sleepy but I am tired, so I'll just chill out in the couch watching tv or reading my book, thinking about life, you know the usual. Will most likely blog about it.
pray for tomorrow, not for today
I felt a bit "homesick", or whatever you call it, yesterday. However, I missed Sweden and my loved ones there that I haven't seen for so long. I listened to Foo Fighters' song "Home" and just felt miserable for half an hour or so. It usually doesn't last much longer than so, and it doesn't happen too often either anyway. I guess it's only good for you to miss home every now and then? Whatever home is anyway, I don't know anymore.
You know, I'm not much for tears since I reckon it doesn't solve any propblem if you sob about it instead of try to think out a solution, but when I hear this song my eyes just tear up. Strange.. It's nof out of sadness, it's just the feeling I've gaind from moving here. The feeling of really knowing what I, by choice, left behind for one year. People, places, bonds, etc.
This song reminds me of everything I have back there. I have never experienced anything like this before, and even though it's extremely hard sometimes to make it through the day without crying, missing and thinking about how much easier it would be to go back, I remind myself that I am stronger than that. That I can make it, I can g to work and class and do my think and live life as fully as possible. It's hard but I'm not weak. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger: a cliché that is absolutely true.
I feel a bit sad today as well actually. It might be a combination of still being exhausted from work, lack of food, home alone and being sick (yes, I am currently suffering from a horrible cold and earlier today I sneezed which ended up blowing my nose on my arm, fresh?), or maybe it's simply me missing my kin. Who knows? I reckon I'm doing pretty good. I'm not calling home sobbing because I can't make it on my own. Yes, it has been hard time to time, but I keep my spirit and I'm positive everything will go even better this semester than the last.
Well. To you in Swe.. Lot's of love. I'll be back.
NEW YEAR 2010-2011

Work ♥
I got called in for work tonight, so I'll start at 10 pm and it's now 8.40 pm. Kelsey and I are being lazy bitches in a couch each, watching tv and eating crappy food. It's okay to do that sometimes! As soon as she's done with her computer I'll borrow it and upload some pictures from Christchurch. Well, I'm working and that makes me glad Only thing that pisses me off is that AUT still haven't send my papers to CSN in Sweden, so I might not get my loan in time --> FML. There is nothing that stress me more than paperwork and fees and shit. It jst bothers me that if they won't send them soon enough, my fees will be paid late and AUT will complain about it when they're the one's not doing their job = FUCKED UP!
Well, my mood is ruined because of all the paper crap I have to deal with, so I just want to get to work, that'll for sure make me feel better. Pics will hopefully be up soon! Ciao..
Last night was fun, I went to the airport with Derek and Tim, two mates from work, to pick up Derek's friend who flew in from Melbourne (he's Irish just like Derek). However, we had to wait for about an hour, you know what airports are like, so we entertained ourselves in Timezone. I kicked Derek's ass in airhockey and we played some other games as well, good fun!
We went back to Derek's, had some beers and then moved on to Micky Finn's and Rock Pool, elsewhere? Haha! We ended up staying awake till 9 in the morning drinking, playing PlayStaition, pictionary and just having fun. I played Tekken as well, and since I'm not really that good at games I thought I'd loose, but I won! Derek kept winning over the three other fellas we were playing with, and then I just whipped his ass, hahaha! So now it's 3-0 to me, after beating him in pool, airhockey and Tekken. Awesome! I'll keep reminding him of it everytime I see him! Moha!
Well, weather is gorgeous so I'll just make me something to eat and then get the hell out of here. The apartment is just beautiful, Kelsey cleaned it up. I came home approx 20 minutes ago and I'll try to be done with the food within 30 minutes and then go to the park.
9 days till I go home to Auckland and to my New Zealand whānau and I'm really, really exited! I have been thinking about doing a skydive here before I go, because they have this offer to do it two for the price of one, so I'll look it up. I don't think you have to book it a long time before you do it, and the scenery in the South Island is way better than on the North Island. I'll keep you updated and see what happens, nothing's settled yet!
I'm off to cook and then read my book in the sun. Ciao!
NZ vs. Sweden #4

Wonka Nerds vs. Ahlgrens Bilar
Wonka Nerds is one of the NZ candy that actually is addictive! It's soooo good and it's a shame we don't have it in Sweden. When I go back I'll bring heaps, for sure! It's crunchy small pieces of candy, and they come in two flavours in each pack, my favourite is Grape/Strawberry (picture). They're sour, at least according to me, and delicious!
Ahlgrens Bilar is Swedish candy that is absolutely delicious! It's small marshmallow cars, sort of, and it comes in three different colors: green, pink and white. My favourite is the green! The slogan for the candy is "Sweden's most sold car", as "bilar" means cars. I LOVE these candy cars and I recently found a store outside of Auckland that sells them, so guess where I'm going in a few weeks... ;)
However, I think I have to call this one even! So...,
Sweden 2, New Zealand 1
Cynicism and sarcasm
I do find it entertaining, which would be my first reason to use it. Many times I use it in such a way that many people aren't aware that I am actually being sarcastic, and not serious. You really have to see me do it to understand. I choose whom I'm being sarcastic to; as I am a polite and rather formal person I aim to keep that charcter amongst, say, my boss, family, professor etc. However, if you ever catch me being sarcastic towards you, do not take offense, it's most of the times a friendly sign. Whenever I use sarcasm towards people I don't like, I use it in a way where I make clear for them the purpose of it all.
The bad thing about sarcasm? Many times when I really am being honest and serious, people mistake me for being sarcastic. That would happen mostly when I express any sort of feelings for anyone. For an example, here's a text message conversation with one of my friends from work:
D tells me he's at work on Monday night, and as you can guess it's rather quiet and not as stressful as Saturday night.
I reply that I wish I was working too
D replies: That's only because you love to be in my company...! Hahaha
I answer that I really do enjoy his company and wouldn't mind working there with him right then
D: You can be extremely sarcastic sometimes ye know that...!
And I was being honest!
Some people choose to refer to me as a cynic sometimes.. THAT bothers me because I'm not cynical!!! I do have some things that I am cynical about, but all of us do! I am a realist, because I think it's fundamental for people to be able to realize what's actually most likely to happen, and what's not. I still have faith in human being. The difference between having faith and relying on is:
- having faith simply means that I know that whaever I have faith in may not happen, but I still hope that it will. However, if not I will not be disappointed because I already prepared myself for it, for that was the think most likely to happen. Ex: if my partner goes on a trip with his mates for a few weeks, say Costa Brava, to drink and enjoy themselves. For me to assume that he will cheat wouldn't mean that I would freak out and call him fifty times a day to make sure he won't forget me, or hate all men and become a lesbian because of that. It would simply mean that I am well aware of the risk and I accept that's the way it is. Being a realist is way more rational than being a cynical, because obviously not everything's crap or is about to turn out to suck!
- being a cynic, as the Cambridge Online Dictionary describes it:
believing that people are only interested in themselves and are not sincere AND/OR describes the use of someone's feelings or emotions to your own advantage
Doesn't that sound more like paranoia? The last time I checked, I have plenty of faith in the pure human being, even though I am being proven the opposite on the daily basis. How could I even consider fighting for world peace if I believed in cynicism rather than realism? People that does not know the opposite should look it up before the accuse me for being something I'm not. It's quite annoying.
That was the rant of the day. Ciao belli! ♥
Today is wednesday and I can't for Friday to come so that I can work. Hate having this much time left over, and even worse, paying rent is a struggle.
Well, here's a song that I just love, Pyro by Kings of Leon
Single book of matches, gonna burn what's standing in the way,
Roaring down the mountain, now they're calling on the fire brigade
Bury all the pictures, and tell the kids that I'm okay,
If I'm forgotten, they'll remember me for today
Aiiiaiiiaiii, I won't ever be your cornerstone
All the black inside of me, is slowly seeping from the bone,
Everything I cherish, is slowly dying or it's gone.
Little shaken babies and drunkards seem to all agree
Once the show gets started its bound to be a sight to see
(For some reason I'm unable to put in a videoclip with the song.. Will do that later!)
P.S. I love you
I know I may not promote cheesy love things but gosh I could watch that movie every day! So Mark and I had a movie night and he really went through hell and back only to make sure we could watch that movie. At first, he came to my place with P.S. I love you and another movie. Turns out that the movies were bought in England (he's English) and were therefore not able to play in our DVD player that only accepts DVD's from the same region. So we went to the videostore to rent them instead. TURNS OUT we had to be members, but without ID's it's impossible to start a membership. Hmmm. Off to another videostore and the same story there. Bummer! He called one of his friends and asked if he by any chance had it, and his friends replies that it's a chickflick and that my friend should improve his taste in movies.
We ended up driving back to my place to pick up the movies and some rabbit food (nuts, seeds and dried fruits) to snack on during the movie. What else would a movie night be without that? We also ended up with a bottle of Jacob's Creek Shiraz Vintage 2008 as well and started the movie about 2-3 hours too late, but it was nice with a quiet, nice movie night. He later drove me home. Such a gentleman, all this for a movie. Very great guy!
Tomorrow, I will go to the airport with Derek, another mate from work, to pick up his friend who's coming to Christchurch to see him. That's in the evening, so I'll spend the day with some laundry and then we'll do an all nighter with great people and some beers. Gotta love life!
Ciao my loved ones, I'll hit the bed soon enough!

New Zealand beer
This week is my last at work and then I'm out of here. My last weekend at Micky Finn's, and even though I've enjoyed my time there it'll be amazing to move on. I'm just tired of working night.
Today for an example
I couldn't sleep last night, not until this morning after sunrise. So I woke up at 12.30 pm, absolutely exhausted. I made dinner for me and Kels: Pasta with sauce made out of tomatosauce, onions, mushrooms, carrots and kidneybeans. Really good actually! So I had dinner and that's it, I'm too tired to even move.. So I'm having a friend over tonight, we'll watch some movies and I might go to Countdown before he comes, or I'll make him go with me. For now I just want to sleep and it's really annoying.
Two weeks left, then I'll be back to NORMAL
..so take your chance and don't ever look back
A part of me just wants to go to Norway to work for a year or so. I probably will if I'll be excluded from my public relations study. It would be nice being able to save some money, which I can't do down here.
I'll stop thinking about that shit, it's way too depressing at the moment. Speaking of.. a rather depressing subject is Valentine's Day that is upcoming. In six days, the world will be filled with people doing the whole PDA thing (public display of affection). Makes me want to vomit. So every hotel, flower store, restaurant and so on have their own little "valentine special". Well good for you! Isn't it incredible how money and time consuming Valentine's really is? Not only do you have to shit money for the date and everything, you also need a new outfit, a new pair of shoes, a matching bag and accessories. Not to mention the lingeries! Well, maybe not everyone..
To be fully honest I'm a bit grumpy today.. I've been given two nights at work, which would be approx ten hours. TEN HOURS? I can barely pay rent for that? I'm just sick and tired of this, just want to work my 40 hours and actually make money instead of going backwards.
Hell, screw that.
So... Valentine's Day, was it? I guess my plan for Valentine's would be renting a movie and staying at home. I will not go out drinking since I no longer can afford to do so, and as you all know I'm single so no cheesy, cliché dinner with lit candles and holding hands. I'll stop writing now before this goes out of hand. Ciao.

Hotter than Hell
I thought I might give an update for today:
- It's a thousand degrees outside, if not more. Every door and window is open in hope to get some wind through the apartment. De nada.
- Erika and Alex are on their way here, once they get here we'll wander off to Heckley Park (or was it Hegley?) to meet up with Derek and some more people.
- I'm making icetea. Can't be bothered to drag my ass to StarBucks so I thought I'd give it a try.
- I'm also cleaning the apartment. Thought I might surprise Kelsey when she comes back tonight after spending the weekend in Timaru (about two hours drive south). Will do some rearrangements to make it easier for five people to live in an apartment with two bedrooms and one livingroom.
- 8.30 tonight is movietime, White Chicks is airing and I absolutely LOVE that movie.
- For some reason I haven't been able to sleep since yesterday (read: I worked till four this morning). When I got home this morning, around 5.30, I went to bed and closed my eyes, relaxed and everything for quite a while. Still, I ended up drinking sleepytea (chamomile) and reading a novel by Sophie Kinsella (author to the popular "Confessions of a Shopaholic" books) feeling wide awake.
Future, oh future
As for now, I am studying Conflict Resolution. Last semester I took four papers:
- war & peace
- new zealand political studies
- states & nations
- applied ethics
Next semester I will only take two:
- psychology a
- principles of conflict resolution
I love my studies here. I love to learn within every subject, and even though it has been hard time to time, I have gotten through my first semester and I know I will do well in the next one. Studying here has made me realize that I want to continue with this. People always complain about politicians, and many times have I been told that politics will ruin my "for now" great personality and honesty. I beg to differ. If you belive that something isn't working as it should, instead of waiting for others to take care of it you might as well do something about it yourself. And that is why I have chosen politics. It gives me the opportunity to study and later on work with something I am passionate about.
The next step, after my NZ graduation end of June 2011, is to start studying at Linné University in Växjö, Sweden, for three years. That would be something similar to what I do now, but with the foundation based on communication. After that I will be qualified to work for bigger, international, peace promoting organs. But of course I will complete a master as well.
Anyhow, I aim to find myself working for United Nations, or perhaps Red Cross. Who knows? As long as I can achieve my goal, fight for democracy, human rights, equality, and against poverty, I'm good.
Sometimes I get scared of my future. For some it might sound grand, for others mediocre. But for me it's my life, everything I want right now. I am willing to give up marriage, children and whatever there is, to get there. But in the end, I think of where I am now only to remind me that the only one who sets the limits is yourself. Only you knows how much you can do, how far you can go. Never let anyone else take your future away from you!
Except from this, I still stick to my goal of speaking five languages fluently by thirty.

Bigger than my body
I'm listening to John Mayer and just relaxing. I'll be going to work in an hour and I'm so tired. Not surprised, I needed to sleep all day after not sleeping at all for two days, to even it up a bit. I'll feel better after an hour at work, I usually do.
Well. This song I'm repeating right now is wonderful, and John Mayer gives me this Auckland feeling. I miss home, only two weeks left and then I'll be back ♥
Here are some lyrics from the song Bigger than my body.
Why is it not my time?
What is there more to learn?
I shed this skin I've been tripping in
Never to quite return
Yes, I'm grounded
Got my wings clipped
I'm surrounded by all this pavement
Guess I'll circle
While I'm waiting for my fuse to dry
Someday I'll fly
Someday I'll soar
Someday I'll be so damn much more
Cause I'm bigger than my body
Gives me credit for
It's such a beautiful song, loving it!
BUT I have to make dinner now. Uh, I really don't feel like cooking right now.. Well, won't be a lazy bitch. Cook food, shower and then work all night.
7 months
5 months till my NZ visa expires.
3 hours till work.
"Nice face"


Psychic me
Did you know that I am a psychic? Neither did I. Until last night.
So two nights ago I had all these crazy dreams, as usual. But lately I've been remembering more and more of my dreams, and they become more clear for every night, regarding both people and events. So two nights ago I dreamt a few different things that I saw as a bad omen for going out. However, I did end up out and my dream turned out to be true. Not the way I thought it meant, but what happend in reality is pretty much the same as I dreamt, which is quite scary. Not a bad thing though, I'm just surprised.
But it has been a good night. It is now Friday morning, 11.15, and I came home about 30 minutes ago. It's not as bad as it sounds. I just never got tired, so a friend and I ended up being (literally) the last people out. We weren't wasted or anything, just sipping a beer and talking. When the bars closed we went on for breakfast, around 7 am. After breakfast we continued to a park nearby and chilled out in the sun, and just stayed there, chatted and got a tan. I'm quite tired now, so I'll just relax in the couch, sleep for a few hours, do some laundry and then go to work later tonight.
I'm having second breakfast as well.
Red red wine
Anyhow, I woke up craving coca cola and any sort of food, so I asked my mate Mark from work to bring me some. He brought me the coke, and took me out for dinner. Blessed with good friends! So I cheered up with a burrito and margaritas with Mark and Tim. Yum! It's 4.30 in the morning now, and I came home an hour ago from work and have absolutely no idea of what to do. Sleep? Join the rest of the crew from MF and RP to drink? (even though most of them are passed out, I think). Watch a movie? I think I'll watch a movie, chill out and then sleep.
The past few days have just been crazy, and my lifestyle is described like this by my friends: "you're so young and can do whatever you want to do", which really is true. 19 out of 20 nights out I can stay up drinking long after sunrise and yet feel perfectly fine the day after; no hungover whatsoever, perhaps a bit tired but that's it.
You see the whole working in a bar culture really gets to you.. The job becomes your home, and I do feel like I spend every wake hour at Micky Finn's and Rock Pool. I'm off tomorrow, so what do you do a Thursday off? You know the answer, I know the answer, let's do it!
But yeah. It's not like I drink every day I'm not working, that would've been a bit worrying, right? Not really. I'm nineteen, I'm in New Zealand and I have three weeks left before school starts. I will not be easy on those weeks, I can tell you that right now.
But honestly. I'm tired from working, and I'm still a bit drunk and hungover at the same time? I can't tell which one it is... So I'll just pass out to a movie.
Anywho. I've had a good day, I feel fresh and I am a bit more tanned than I was yesterday. I feel like a drug addict who just came out from rehab realizing that life is better without drugs. Haha, that sounds awful, but I'm just overwhelmed from the fact that I slept by night and went out by day.
I'm off to make me some dinner now. If I'm lucky, we might have stir fry leftovers from yesterday that James cooked, yummmaaaaaaaay cross your fingers!

I miss you love! Jasmine and I on graduation day.. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥