Don't go wasting your emotions..

..lay all your love on me!

Studies -and I like it! (and some Samoa pics)

Since most people are going out tonight, it's pretty empty at WSA. But it doesn't bother me that much really. It feels way better to stay here, study and be productive than to go out and miss out on a lot of schoolwork. Besides that, there is no feeling that can beat the one you get when you finish up something and feel satisfied with it, not even tequila!

Right now Iäm doing fine, I have some inspiration and my flow is pretty good, and I decided than when I'm starting to finish up, I'm gonna go and make some eggs. Damn do I love eggs? I already had five today (breakfast and lunch) and I still want more, it just can't be good to eat that many? Ah who cares.. ;)

Well, I have all of my eight arguments and they're pretty god damn good as well!

So I'm just gonna continue with what I'm doing, take my time and do it good! I don't wanna miss out on NZ Music awards because of an essay!

This is what we had for breakfast every day in Samoa

..and this is what we had for,.. well everything. Haha, Maitai!

Me, at the dinner one of the last nights

The remedy for anything: fresh coconutmilk straight out the coconut
 for breakfast

Mau's Long Island Icetea

Not that charmin, but hey that's me, haha!

Beautiful view during a morning walk before breakfast

Pretty god damn awesome view!

Samoa pictures


There is a huge storm over New Zealand at the moment.. It came in yesterday, and of course it had to come the exact same time as me and Esme were about to leave WSA for a long walk (I was hoping that the walk would give me insipration enough to find my flow). So as i step out of the entrance doors I no longer see the blue skies, but black skies and raging winds, followed by thunder and rain. And my flow (for those of you who does'nt know what my flow is, it's just what I call my state of mind when I study very successfully and intense; sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not) didn't appear again that night. Was it God's way of telling me not to study anymore?

Well, at least I got started on one of my essays and finished what I decided to finish for the day, so I'm not totally unsatisfied with that. Today I've got some more done and I'm currently finished with 1/4 of one of my essays and i hope to finish the day with at least 3/4 done. Sounds like a good plan! It'll hopefully be all done by the end of the weekend.

So yesterday we ended up playing drinking games at Esme's place, which was exactley what I needed: some good company and drinks. I ended the night early with a movie, and still I overslept today. And by the way, my phone is acting more and more wierd, and now the sound doesn't work anymore. Well, I can call on it (thank GOD!) but my alarmclock and the signals are all out, so now I have to find some other way to wake up in the morning...

Oh well, I think I'm going to Warehouse tomorrow or something to find one, if they're open (it is said that the stores are closed because of the rain, which I seriously doubt).

But now I'm gonna return to my studies. My flow is okay, not as good as I'd want it to be, but it's there.

Here are a couple of pics from Samoa by the way.

I'll put up more pics later!


Klockan är strax två på natten, och 2.45 är det dags att hoppa på bussen mot flygplatsen. Sinnes! Packningen är 100% klar och jag är redo för att möta värmen, stranden, sköldpaddor, havet, you name it.

När jag kommer upp igen ska vi käka "frukost" eggs and bacon, sen är det lång väntan på flygplatsen nästa, men det är klart värt det, dessutom knappast värre än 13 timmar i Singapore hehe.

Men ja, huvudet är ganska tomt just nu, är mest trött och seg. Kanske var det bra att vi inte gick ut ikväll?

Här är lite bilder från vår första fotbollsmatch btw, Team Salad, som vi vann med 5-4 (kassa bilder, har inte riktigt fått grepp om alla inställningar ännu)

Over n' out


Hey vanner!

Den 6 - 12 september aker jag till Samoa. Det blir att bo i ett litet hus mitt pa stranden nagra meter fran havet, och kan ni fatta att jag langtar tills dess? Helt galet kommer det bli. Runt 33 grader varmt raknar vi med, underbart!

Har rast just nu, men lektionen borjar snart igen, aterkommer kanske senare idag om jag hinner.

Och Noho Marae weekend var awesome, ska lagga ut lite bilder.


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