Starbucks Coffee versus Espresso House
Okay, I think EVERY LIVING PERSON who's been to both of them will agree that it's clear who will win this one..?
Anyhow.. Starbucks is an American chain of cafes that you can find in 50 countries. I just happen to be a neighbour to one of the many in Auckland, Hallelujah? Their coffee is fabulous, and so is their iced tea, perfect for hot summer days.
Espresso House, however, not so exiting.. Yes, their chai tea is AMAZING, but it all seems so wannabe, and I never quite feel like eating there.. It looks so.. processed.
Well. Of course Starbucks is better! Need I say more?
Sweden 2, New Zealand 2
NZ vs. Sweden #4

Wonka Nerds vs. Ahlgrens Bilar
Wonka Nerds is one of the NZ candy that actually is addictive! It's soooo good and it's a shame we don't have it in Sweden. When I go back I'll bring heaps, for sure! It's crunchy small pieces of candy, and they come in two flavours in each pack, my favourite is Grape/Strawberry (picture). They're sour, at least according to me, and delicious!
Ahlgrens Bilar is Swedish candy that is absolutely delicious! It's small marshmallow cars, sort of, and it comes in three different colors: green, pink and white. My favourite is the green! The slogan for the candy is "Sweden's most sold car", as "bilar" means cars. I LOVE these candy cars and I recently found a store outside of Auckland that sells them, so guess where I'm going in a few weeks... ;)
However, I think I have to call this one even! So...,
Sweden 2, New Zealand 1
NZ vs. Sweden #3


Auckland vs. Helsingborg
Winner: most definatley Helsingborg.
Auckland is a nice city, but what I don't like about that city is that even though it has 1.2 million people living there, it still feels like a small town. That would be because city centre actually consist mostly of stores and businesses. Helsingborg is a much more warmer and nicer place, and I miss walking around there just enjoying the beautiful atmosphere.
Auckland has the amazing Skytower, the highest building in the Southern hemosphere, and Helsingborg has Kärnan. Two buildings representing each city, but I think that Kärnan has more character than Skytower in the end. Helsingborg is one of the few things I really, really miss and I'm exited to just walk there again and look out the water in the North Shore.
2-1 to Sweden.
NZ vs. Sweden #2


Winner: SWEDEN
IKEA is thousands and thousands of times better than The Warehouse, and I really miss the cheap, but still good things available at IKEA. They have EVERYTHING, and gosh do I miss their crisp bread? That will be one of the first things I'll eat when I'm back in Sweden, or someplace else that has IKEA.
1-1 in NZ vs. Sweden
NZ vs. Sweden #1
Winner: NZ
I've never been a big fan of the lemon soda from Apotekarnes, and never did I think I would enjoy L&P, but turns out this delicious lemon and paeroa drink is one of the best fruit flavored sodas I have ever consumed, and belive me when I say that I will miss it when I leave New Zealand. Brittany developed such a great love for this drink that I do consider sending her some of them, if only it could be cheaper to send stuff overseas. Anywho, I know she'd be the happiest girl in Florida, hihi!
So after the first competition between NZ and Sweden, the score is 1-0 to NEW ZEALAND!