A moment of happiness
if we don't end war
here are some pictures from last week

And and I

Tomo and I

Vera, Tash, Me and Hailey having a sleepover

Margies always leaves a trace
with a bottle of jack
Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy
What to do 8 in the morning?
Here are some pictures from last week
Hailey, me and Tomo at Primo
Me and Hailey
Nanda, Tomo and I at Father Ted's
Nanda, Simon and I at Father Ted's
so fu**ing wierd
let it fall
The headline is from the song Let it fall by Lykke Li, it's really good. I was a bit on the down as I am leaving soon, but I ended up going out with Chisato, Tomo and Hailey.
I don't remember much. What I do know is that I had half a bottle of Jim Beam, got a free burger at McDonald's and later on a free lollipop at the convinience store around the corner at Symonds St. As if that was the first time, lol.
So after trying to figure out what happend last night, I'm making soup and waiting for Alex to come to town.
Tonight's the international student leaving party, so we're on it.
Lalalala soup now! Ciao
..oh how I love the way tears suits my face
No energy nor will to get dressed and go out. I've been watching Grey's Anatomy and if I could choose I'd stay here a couple of more days just watching Grey's and wasting time. Hiding.
But there's no escape from reality, I suppose.
Might as well go ut there.
Hence why I'm going to Kings tonight.
"the doors are attacking me"
It would have been even better if I actually remembered more than I do. For an example, I texted "the doors are attacking me" to Chris, and ended up going to their apartment early this morning. Talking about contrast when I'm hammered meanwhile Andy is up early studying for his exam.
Oh well. It was fun and very much alike most nights out last semester. The night included drunken heart-to-hearts, emotions, confessions, dancing, confrontations, and less water than I needed. We ended up eating breakfast at McDonald's. I got free marshmallows. And then aparently I wandered the halls of WSA, visiting at least two apartments before I reached my own. Makes me wonder...., where else did I go?
Now it's past 7 in the evening, and sice it's Andy's last night out I'm joining. That's really the only reason, I just don't feel like shouting, loud music and alcohol right now. But I know I'll regret it forever if I don't go out with him one last time, so....
And by the way.... Hangover sushi is not good at all. Should've got myself pizza or something.
Off to 9G now to party. Adios amigos.
everyday i'm zombieing
It's past 2 pm. I haven't slept for 21 hours. I've been awake all night, that is.
And now I'm off to watch The Hangover Part II with Tomo, and then we'll start drinking

I have already done laundry and sorted out 1 years paperwork, and I don't want to sleep. I've been watching a few episodes of Grey's Anatomy, but I'm just not tired. So I'll have a shower and make coffee. I just can't sleep my life away.
Damn sleeplessness.
I'm going to be the most tragic person on Earth now and watch Titanic all by myself 4 in the morning.
I suppose it would have been worse if I would be eating chocolate, drinking red wine and singing along with the songs with tears running down my cheeks. Well, at least I'm not that tragic.
I only do that when I watch Bridget Jones' Diary. Lol!
- Snart flyttar jag
- Japp
- .. till Sverige
- Mhm
- Jag får träffa alla jag saknar så mycket
- ..
- Men jag lämnar så många bakom mig samtidigt
- Sånt är det
- Det är sorgligt, men det är så samtidigt så KUL
- Jaha?
- Är det inte det?
- Är det?
- Jo..? Visst fan ska det bli kul
- Säker på det?
- Jo... Klart jag är säker
- Det är inte jag
Jag kan inte riktigt komma fram till vad jag vill.
Gretchie, here's a translation just for you. An inner monologue had to be in Swedish, after all.
- I'm moving soon
- Yeah
- .. to Sweden
- Mhm
- I'll get to see the people I miss so much
- ..
- But I'm also leaving so many people behind
- That's life
- It's sad, but great at the same time
- Oh yeah?
- Isn't it?
- Is it?
- Yeah..? Surely it'll be great
- Sure of that?
- Yeah.. Of course I'm sure
- I'm not
I can't be the only one experiencing this? Am I?
I'm still stressed out, due to all the hard work this whole semester. I have been working so hard, but I still feel like I should have pushed myself harder. Why didn't I do that? You don't work as hard as you possibly can until you get the best grade in all courses. So here I am, without the best grades in everything. I feel disappointed and angry.
I am waiting for the grades of my essay in Conflict Resolution to be released. It was 30% of the grade and I felt quite confident writing it.
We've done:
- Presentation 20% A+
- Mediation role play 10% A+
- Exam 40%
- Essay 30%
I just wish they could release the gades that actually MATTERS for the final grade, isthat really too much to ask for??? I'm freaking out here and want my grades, it's killing me not to know!
I've got a couple A+'s here, but only on the smaller assignments. Being done with uni makes me so restless, and everytime I see my Psychology book I just want to open it, which makes me feel miserable because Psychology has taken over my life the last couple of weeks.
I just can't wait to start uni again in Sweden. I want to go further and do better. I know I can, I'm just not exactley sure of how. I need to find my own way to do it. I'm on my way, but no there quite yet.
When I need inspiration I take it from people I look up to. The last few weeks I've been watching Grey's Anatomy, as I admire the character Cristina Yang. After one or two episodes I'm up running again. One of my philosophies in life is that anyone can achieve anything. They just have to push themselves and find a way that suits them.
Deep inside I know I can, I know I'm smart, and I know I will do good in life. Somedays, however, I feel like giving up, like I'm not good enough, not smart enough. Not even Grey's can heal that feeling.
Oh well. I'm done here and there's nothing I can do now anyways.
I'm still fucking longing to start uni again.
Today has been such a lazy day. I'm exhausted for no reason at all. I slept till 5 pm, ordered pizza and watched Grey's Anatomy and had a glass of red wine. It's now 12.30 am and I'm so damn tired so I'm in bed again. I'll watch movies and do nothing until I fall asleep, and tomorrow I'll deal with stuff that needs to be done. I'll start with doing my laundry, which I now have time to get done. Yay!
Time flies by.
Well, having that said I started thinking about what it actually means to be that. Firstly, it does mean that things in my life doesn't just happen by accident, nor do I commonly do thins without having a clue without the ramifications of it. Mortal as I am, obviously I do things that later on does have consequenses I did not expect, but in most cases I do have a backup plan or knowledge ough in how to handle situations depending on whatever the outcome may be.
Yet again, having this said I wonder if it's really necessary to analyse exactley everyting. I am a fir believer in that whatever needs to be sorted out, it should be done in a proper way which includes talking over the reasons for a certain situation, and then moving on to find the best possible solution.
Sometimes I do find myself feeling way too old for my age acting like this, as I actually am still a teenager and should just take life as it comes, one day at a time. Or should I really?
Life is so complicated, and it feels like taking the long way being to intense about everything and trying to figure out every single thing and person in my life, and why things happens. No, I do not believe that things happens for a reason. I believe that things happens for a cause, and if that cause in some way disturbs me, I would rather have it sorted out right there and then, rather than just leaving it as itis hoping for it to go away.
As I said, I may take life (from that point of view) way too seriously, but on the other hand, is it really possible to do that? Life is the biggest thing that we will ever experience, and if something would ever disturb us in any way, isn't it just better to get rid off it and sort it out?
Being straight up is, as I experience it, something that is quite uncommon, in all honesty. By that I don't mean to say that I'm ahead of all of you which I don't think I am, but I do tend to be very honest about how I feel about certain things which scares and intimidates people more than I will ever be able to understand. Being honest. How could that ever be bad? Sure, honesty does hurt sometimes, but in the end it saves so much time knowing what's going on instead of wasting time trying to figure it out.
Which leads us back to analysing, which in that point of view is wasting time on precisely that: trying to figure things out. So is this just a bad circle that I am in, or am I just a bit mentally older in that manner than most people of my age?
Well don't expect me to give any answers because I don't have a clue. I am constantly trying to develop myself and grow up and learn more about life, but everynow and again I get shot down, by myself or others, only to realise that I'm actually not really making that much progress. That it's all in my head. Trying to figure yourself out is impossible, just as impossible as it is for someone else to do it for you.
Of course, when other people try to figure you out your defense will be "you don't know me enough to say that", but will someone ever know enough of you to give them approval to throw in their opinion? Will you ever accept that people actually see you for who you are, just from a different aspect than yourself do? It is hard to accept, as it would be uncomfortable being confronted about your behaviour from someone else when you yourself haven't even considered it, or wanted to consider it.
I know me, but I don't know me the way that other people do. I easily get shut into my own bubble, believing that everything I say or do is right and the best possible way to deal with things, and accepting that it's not is hard. So I do accept the fact that I'm an analyser. I'm not going ti apologise for it, nor try to change myself and my instinctive behaviour, but I do need to consider whether there i a better way of dealing with life. Regardless of how complicated life may be, everyone needs to just let it go every now and then and just live life wiout always trying to have a concrete plan of how the next ten years will be like, how people should behave and what life right now will lead to.
Coming to New Zealand was not that much though through at all, and yet here I am and I'm happy! I know I made the best decision of my life coming here, so maybe I should try and loosen up and just go with the flow and accept things for what they are, and not for how they should have, or could have been.
I am challenging myself to just take life as it is until Friday, which is a massive challenge for me who always try to figure out everything about.. well, everything! So that is about three days. Three days I will take it as it comes without making a big deal about everything, and I will try to keep my notebook with me at all times so that I can write down whatever goes on in my head so that I perhaps can find a motive for my beaviour.
Why do I need to be in control of everything (well not literally everything, as that would be most impossible)?
3 days, starting from now. Challenge accepted!
Leva livet - Live your life
1 year is done.
Another 3 in my bachelor (kandidatexamen) to go.
And then my master (magisterexamen).
Fuuuuuuck this feeling is amazing, in all honesty.
Break a leg
In 19 hours I will have completed a Certificate in Conflict Resolution at Auckland University of Technology.
Sending some love to my girls in USA from NZ

Beautiful girls!