So it's summer by now, and life's going by faster and faster, it's almost sliiping out of my hands. At least it feels like it from time to time. It's alomst a year since I came back to Sweden after living in New Zealand for one year, at still it feels unreal to be here, and not down there. I'm still getting used to it, I suppose.
As I'm looking back on my life, I can't say I'm not pleased. I fulfilled my life long dream of moving abroad when I was 18, three weeks after graduating high school. I had the time of my life, and since January 2012 I've travelled a lot, I've seen New Zealand, Prague, London, Samoa, Amsterdam and the list goes on. And this summer I'll be spending three weeks in the US exploring NYC, Chicago, Minnesota, and San Francisco. I love travelling, and what I've done and seen the past 2,5 years is more than I've ever dared to dream of.
I'm now living at my Mom's place down south in Sweden during summer. Just a week and a half before coming here I moved into a new apartment with a friend of mine, and even though I miss my new home so much it doesn't feel too bad being at my Mom's place either, being able to spend time with her as well. While I'm down here I'm working until I go to the US, which feels amazing. I love having a job, and even though I'm still new and have a lot of things yet to learn, I like it! Never did I think I'd work under such intimiate situations with people, but in the end it's not what I thought it was. I'm helping older people in their everyday life, and I feel really good about it.
I'm continuosly changing ever since moving to New Zealand, and right now I'm finding it hard to grasp where I am. Not geographically, of course, but metaphorically speaking. Where am I? What do I want? What do I want to be when I "grow up"? All I now right now is that I want to travel. I sometimes think that I will never be happy until I'm back in New Zealand, but would going back there stop the urge to keep moving? I guess it wouldn't.
Anywho, I can't decide on where I am in life right now. I still have a lot of work to do with myself. I'm currently trying to become more approachable which I know I've never quite been, and perhaps even more open. I also need to figure myself out, before I can try to figure my life out. But in the end, I am happy with things as they are now, and I can only hope that I someday soon will find my way back to figure out what I wat to do with my life. We'll see how that goes!
Flea market


Canon EOS 500D 18-55mm
The blog consists, nowadays, mainly of pictures of myself. Yeah, but as I don't feel like writing just as much as I love using my new webcam, it's simply the most logical outcome. Cheers.
Only a few days left in V-town!
On Sunday I'm heading off to Ängelholm, but I'm leaving Växjö already in Saturday afternoon, which feels kind of sad as I will not be back until late August. At least I have the whole summer planned with work and travels, so that's always something. My flat mate, Cornelia, went to bed a while ago, and I will too in a few minutes.

Been to my old apartment twice today collecting random stuff, two or three round more and then I'll be done. It's such a mission because I'm carrying it all on my bike, haha. Either way I'm glad it'll soon be over!

Long day about to end
Today has been such a long day, I'm quite knackered actually. It started off with a group meeting at 9am, followed up with presentations of our field studies which lasted from 10am-1.30pm (ish). As for now I just came home from a three hour long meeting at Stallarna where I work, so I'm just sitting in Sigvard (my chair) and chilling. A project for tonight is to fix my room and perhaps go to my old apartment and get some stuff, and also finish a textbook for an exam.

Last night in my apartment
Tonight will be the last ever that I'm spending in this apartment, because I'm moving out tomorrow morning. I'm sooo psyched, can't wait! You can't even imagine how excited I am!!