Nattfunderingar. På svenska.
Eftersom min dator bestämde sig för att radera det mesta på min hårddisk måste jag nu för tiden lyssna på musik via Youtube. Jag kan inte vara annat än glad över att de har upptäckt spellistor. Dock tog det mig lite längre tid att inse detta och spenderade ett par dagar att behöva söka efter en ny låt var gång den förgående tog slut. Prova att kombinera diskning med att pilla på datorn var femte minut. Ingen sådär jättebra kombo.
Som säkert alla som någon gång vilat ögonen på denna bloggen har märkt är att min laptop, Silla-Sven 7 år gammal, är patetiskt dålig. Nu tänker ni säkert att en dator årsmodell 2005 borde ju vara i toppform och fungera hur bra som helst? Precis som Nokia 3310 som tåler allt och är, faktiskt, bättre och tåligare än de flesta moderna mobiler.
Sillis lever ett eget liv, innehållande 38 virus som jag inte på något sätt lyckats bli av med, och gör då och då revolt genom att stänga av vissa funktioner. Touch paden till exempel är en favorit hos honom, eftersom han vet mycket väl hur frustrerande det är för mig att starta upp datorn och se att den lever men inte kunna använda den. Slugt! Självmordsbenägen skulle jag nog säga att Sillis är, vilket är fullt förståeligt med tanke på hur "väl" jag behandlar honom. Student som jag är så behöver jag trots allt datortillgång i princip dygnet runt, vilket resulterar i att jag stänger av datorn ungefär två gånger i månaden, oftast av just anledning revolt från hans sida.
Så han har nog goda skäl trots allt att bråka med mig. Och om ni undrar varför jag personifierar min laptop så växte det fram efter att jag och min partner in crime Malin Nilsson döpte honom. Eller ja, Malin döpte honom. Vem annars skulle komma fram till Silla-Sven?
Så livets stora frågor poppar upp i huvudet på mig. Varför får jag aldrig rätt summa in på kontot på lönedagen? Antingen så fattas det hundra dollar, eller så finns det hundra dollar för mycket.
Varför ser jag mer fram emot mina långflyg till Skandinavien än till att faktiskt flytta till Sverige? Var gång jag försöker reda ut mina tankar och vänja mig vid det faktum att jag ska flytta så trycker jag undan det och sysselsätter mig med någonting annat. Är det förnekelse? Bryr jag mig inte? Är jag rädd? Vem vet, inte ens jag liksom.
Ja, livet är mest suddigt just nu. Med det menar jag inte att det är dåligt på något sätt. Även fast jag har gått från att vara en av de galnaste partymänniskorna på WSA till att vara en av plugghästarna så är det inget som påverkat mig hemskt negativt. Nej, med suddigt menar jag att allting känns otroligt ur skärpa. Det händer mycket och jag hinner liksom inte få fotfäste förrän jag är påväg igen. När jag sitter på gården på WSA med sitt plastgräs, omgivet av höghus och Heat Pizza i full rulle att göra de mest vidriga pizzor som någonsin bakats på Planet Earth kan jag inte annat än förundras över att just det där kom till att vara mitt hem under en relativt lång tid.
En plats där 500 studenter från jordens alla hörn samlas. Alla etniciteter, religioner, kulturer, värderingar, you name it, under ett och samma tak.
Idag, till exempel, så påpekade min vän Thomas från Indien att jag har gått upp i vikt. Jag fann detta ganska underhållande med tanke på att jag la på mig en massa under den första terminen (I blaim the alcohol!) och har börjat, sakta men säkert gå ner igen. Detta är dock basert på när jag vägde mig en gång i februari och en gång i april. Jag kunde inte annat än att skratta och säga att det är mycket möjligt att jag lagt på mig och att det vore ganska fascinerande att han lägger märke till det och inte jag. Poängen med detta är att kanske är det bara så att indier är mer outspoken än många andra? Kanske är det bara han som är det? En svensk kille hade ju aldrig fått för sig att säga så till en tjej. Dock beror ju det på att svenska tjejer (och killar), faktiskt, är sjukligt utseendefixerade och har inte hjärnkapacitet nog till att bry sig om något annat. En svensk tjej hade ju till exempel slängt sig över killen och brutit näsbenet på honom, och sen spenderat de följande två veckorna instängd i sitt rum på en så kallad hungerstrejk i syfte att tappa 10 kilo i en crash diet medan hon smyger in Ben&Jerry's när ingen ser.
Nej, det tog mig med överraskelse och jag visste inte om jag skulle skratta eller gråta. Haha! Mina svenska gener är hårt inprintade i benmärgen på mig. Att prata med brasilienare är ju en annan intressant sak, då de är väldigt närgångna i allmänhet och lägger handen på benet och hela köret, inte i syfte att ragga utan bara vara vänlig. Jag däremot som är uppvuxen i ett land där man ABSOLUT INTE sätter sig bredvid en främling på bussen har nog en tendens att, omedvetet, ge en suspekt blick och i bakhuvudet undra om den här personen stöter på mig, trots att det är en tjej som har pojkvän? Hon lägger ju trots allt handen på mitt BEN! Nej ibland vill jag bara göra mig av med allt det där svenska private space tramset och kunna vara precis så öppen och vänlig som dem flesta människorna jag träffat här är.
Min flatmate Chris kallar mig för sten. Ironiskt är att han är inte den första, och förmodligen inte den sista. Jag vill nog inte påstå att jag ser ut som en sten. Inte heller känns jag som en, speciellt inte nu när jag tydligen har lagt på mig en massa dessutom, hahah. Men bara för att jag är tjej och 19 år gammal så räknar folk med att jag ska vara den där lilla känsliga och känslomässiga flickan. Fel! Jag må vara ung, men det betyder ju självklart inte att jag gråter till alla "vackra" scener i romantiska komedier (även om det inträffar då och då att jag fäller en tår till en film och ler för mig själv medan jag äter choklad och föreställer hur det kommer vara när Paul Walker kysser MIG istället för den andra subban i helikoptern tillbaka från Sydpolen efter att ha räddat hans älskade hundar, åh vilket fint par vi kommer att bli!).
...och DÄR får det ta stopp, innan jag ballar ur och tömmer hela hjärnan i ett enda inlägg. Jag står fast vid att jag är en renblodad realist. Absolut förekommer optimism, pessimism och kanske då och då en smula cynicism, men i grund och botten vill jag ha saker genomtänkt på ett rationellt sätt innan jag beslutar mig för någonting.
Och sarkasm är ju en sak för sig.
Så nu ska jag sova, kanske läsa i min bok eller se en film jag redan sett för många gånger och mumlar replikerna till i sömnen. Imorgon ska jag upp tidigt, äta en stor frukost och hitta på spännande grejer som mina bloggläsare inte kommer att få veta någonting om alls.
Natti natti!
I can't think of anything to write here, so I'll just write this
My whole day has been studying. I started off with exam studies for my conflict paper. Then I had a two hour psych lecture. Then I studied psych, worked on graphs and statistics for the lab report. And then I continued on my exam studies. And I am sooo exhausted by now.
Speaking of the psych lecture.
It was the most fascinating lecture I've ever had! It was about how easily persuaded people are into doing things they don't really want to do, and how simple it is for human beings to lose the concept of reality. We talked about an experiment performed by Stanley Milgram in the 1960's. Here's a video about the experiment, which is explained in it. The video is 15 minutes long, but be patient and watch it, it is worth it!
We also learned about Zimbardo's prison experiment, where a group of equal participants were divided into two groups: guards and prisoners. The "prisoners" were "arrested" in their homes by real police and brought to the "prison". The experiment was supposed to last for fourteen days, but was aborted after only six, as things got out of control. Here is a video about this experiment. Zimbardo himself took part in the experiment, and was after five days convinced that he actually was running a prison, rather than a psychological experiment.
We had the mediaton roleplay today, so my assignment list is now:
- mediation (conflict)
- lab report (psych)
- exam (conflict)
- essay (conflict)
- test (psych)
- exam (psych)
I also got a letter from AUT about graduation. Unfortunatley I won't be here for the ceremony, so my diploma will be sent to Sweden. Would have been fun to go up on stage to recieve it, but you can't have everything in this world, hehe.
As for tonight, since it's 17 May (Norways constitutional day, that is) myself, Nicole and Molly went to Queen's Ferry Hotel to a Norwegian party were they celebrated their day. I did as planned, had one Jack & coke, talked to some people and then went back to WSA. It's past midnight now, but I'm not tired so I'm going go make something to eat and then go down to the lobby to review things for my exam in conflict. I feel quite confident about it, but that doesn't mean I'll study less for it. Thank god my psych exam is two weeks after finishing the conflict paper because I'll need every single one of those days to study. I want to nail it, and psych is so hard.
Some good news are that for $50 I can bring an extra check-in bag to Sweden, so I no longer have to worry about what to get rid of before I leave, I'll just get another bag and bring everything I want back. Also, I don't have to fix my ESTA until 72 hours before I land in LA, and I have a couple of weeks left so no need to stress about that.
So I'm going down now to study with Tash and then go to bed whenever I get tired. I'm getting up at 9.30, as I have an appointment at 10, and then I have my lecture at 2 till 4. Cheers.
Ain't no sunshine..
I am sooooo tired as I'm escalating after too much coffee. Yet, I'll be stuck in the library for a while so I hope I can stay awake long enough to finish.
I slept almost 12 hours last night, which means I didn't go running or make soup for the week. I do believe I needed to sleep properly though, and there's not much to do about it when the alarm is on but I don't wake up anyways. Haha. Thank God that never happens when I have work or anything else important.
It's now past 7 in the evening, it's dark since a while back and my mission is to read articles, print out some photocopies from a book and do studies in general, depends on energy + how long time the articles will take. I'd rather go home and sleep to be honest.
Aaaahhh first exam is a week away. Should I be more nervous about it than I am?
I went out for dinner with Saeed last night after work. We went to an Italian restaurant in Parnell and the food was amazing! I had spaghetti marinara with shrimps, scallops, squid, and mussles, and a glass of fruity pinot gris. Saeed managed to cheer me up after working the whole day and we had such a great time. I wish I could have more of those days to spend time with my friends here, but that'll wait until Uni is done, which is only a month away.
After dinner I went home in hope to fall asleep early, but I fixed with my US visa and other things that needed to be done and didn't fall asleep until after 4 in the morning. Not that great. Barely four hours of sleep and then off to work, yay! This weekend has been so incredibly slow as well. Hope next week will be more busy!
As for tonight, I just came up to my apartment, sitting in my bed and getting ready for total relaxation. I've prepared with The girl who played with fire (the movie, now that I read the book), almonds and kiwifruits. I bought like 9 of them last time I was shopping for food so I'll most likely live out of them for the next couple of days.
SO, movie and hopefully I'll be sound asleep before 11 tonight. I have a to-do-list for tomorrow, and I have to get up at 7.45 to get everything done.
- morning run in the Domain
- check out shipping fees
- study mediation
- study psychology
- make spinach soup for the whole week
- psych group meeting 1
- mediation test run 3.30
- class 4-7
And now.. MOVIETIME!

Lisbeth Salander just might be my favourite heroine!
Need you now
Walking on a dream
Pisses me off.
hero of war
So I've been going trough psych and conflict, and right now I'm working on a summary covering the whole course in psych for the exam (one month away!).
And now I'll continue my studies. Then work Fri, Sat and Sun. There won't be much time for studies during the weekend, or for anything else by that manner.

This is an amazing pic from last year when we tried to sleep on the beach. B I G failure, fun however.
..och jag sänder en tanke till dig som ligger sömnlös inatt
Bara en sån seg dag med skitväder och ingen energi whatsoever. Det är ett under att jag lyckades ta mig till Domain och springa lite ens.
Så vad gör man en dag som denna? Det lutar åt att läsa artiklar och försöka vara produktiv. Om nu datorn bestämmer sig för att fungera.
This whole daas been a big mess. At least the lecture was really interesting. We had a guest lecturer who talked about environmental conflict resolution and negotiation. We also had two roleplays. The first was a negotiating the price of a car. I was the one selling the car, and I refused to drop the price and the time ran out before I could seal the deal. I bet my hand I would have succeeded if we would have been given 10 more minutes, hehe!
Well...I'm going to continue with this crap now. This laptop is so worthless. I can't use wireless internet on it anymore for some strange reason, so I can no longer go study somewhere else. I can't open barely any files at all and it takes 5 minutes to load a page. Hate this devil machine, can't wait to break it in two pieces - ie. execute it - and replace it with one of those mini laptops you can bring everywhere.
Ciao. Here are some pics.


St Patrick's Day (and don't even ask me why I look pregnant)

Katri-Maria and I at Micky Finn's, Christchurch

Tongariro Crossing. Quite a view ae

The Fellowship of AUT having lunch on the top of Mount Doom

6 in the morning, freezing my knickers off with 8 (!) layers of tan tops, tshirts, and sweaters, preparing for the Tongariro Crossing and Mount Doom (the one in the background with snow on the top)
Som jag hade dig förut
So tonight I'm sitting in my bed, trying to make up a to-do-list for tomorrow. I just finished watching the movie 500 days of Summer, which I really enjoyed. It wasn't one of those cliché chick flicks that makes you want to vomit, but romantic and cute, yet quite more realistic and cynical than all the false hope bringing American lovestories. As for now, after finishing the list the plan is to read Larsson's The girl who played with fire and then get some sleep. I'm going for a morning run with Eirik tomorrow, and since I don't have lecture till 4 pm and he at noon, we decided to go at 9 instead of 8 am. Nice!
But the real purpose of this post was not to inform you of this. Tonight my head is full of thoughts and philosophy. I'm not even quite sure of where to begin. As I'm in constant contact with people when I'm working, I do have plenty of time to "people watch"; analyse behavior and try to figure out why people act in certain ways.
Yesterday, a six year old girl came up to me and started chatting. I gave her a piece of paper and a pen to scrabble on and she stuck around while her mom and aunt was shopping.
Every day at work, an older Scottish man stops by to have a talk and catch up. He's in his seventies, and he's dying. He told me his life story, abot how he left home when he was eighteen, and didn't go back until he was fifty. How he's travelled the world and ended up in New Zealand. How he caught a mortal decise due to smoking. What medications he's taking to keep the system running. It's a sad story, yet every time he comes by he greets me with a big smile and an update of his physical condition, which usually isn't very good.
It reminds me of people in Christchurch whose presence I took for granted when I on my days off would wander off to the Cathedral Square to sit outside of Starbucks with a coffee or an iced tea and watch people. To sit there in the sun, reading a book, analysing people and brainstorming about life was extremely relaxing, and I wish I could find a just as good place in Auckland.
So at the Cathedral Square there was the crazy hat man who would walk around the statue of a man I don't know about and preach about something I never quite got the hang of. His voice was worn out, to non surprise as he was always there talking out loud and desperatley trying to reach out to the pubic, gain their attention.
I keep asking myself if he's still alive. It scares me how fragile life is. From expecting to see this man every time I went there, to suddently realizing he might as well be dead is... a peculiar feeling, I guess. I never once spoke to him, I never closely listened to what he had to say or even new his name. For me, he was just the loud man with the big hat and the crazy hair. I even made a drawing of him once, sitting on the bottom of the statue, taking a break from his.. whatever it was.
He doesn't have anywhere to talk anymore. If he's even alive.
I'm not sure of where this is going.. I guess that people have a very big impact on me, regardless if they are friends from way back, or just some brief connection that doesn't even have to be direct contact. Have I made any impact on anyone out there? I guess that is a question that everyone ask themselves at one point. Do I want to? I think I do. I'm quite sure that I will leave this life with something significant behind me. Maybe not something that will be a major part of history, but it will make impact on at least one person. If so, I gues that I will be able to go satisfied.
We all try to get involved in other people's lives on a daily basis. "No, that dress isn't as good as the one you tried out before" - "Use the trim milk, it's better for you" - "If you want to get good marks in this essay I advice you to change this and that"
In good and bad, we change -or at least try to- people's opinions about, well everything. This girl in the mall got me one step closer to come over my "fear" of kids, as I think of children as another, unknown species. But apparently us and them aren't too much unlike each other, there is hope!
..... I have plenty of quite meaningless thoughts to share, but for now I will get started on my reading. I'm getting up in five and a half hours and I will need my sleep.
To-do-list - 9 May 2011, Monday
- morning run, 9 am
- research for conflict essay 11-2ish pm
- mediation practice before class
- class 4-7 pm
I ♥ U
Aooooow just came home from the cinema. Lua and I saw FAST AND THE FURIOUS FIVE, aaaah I loved it!
The ending was so good, I can't wait for the next one! Such a shame that the third movie (Tokyo Drift) suck balls, hehe. And Paul Walker is just as gorgeous as usual.
Sunshine <3
Speaking of nice weather, have a look at this
Let's do this!
We got our grades from our group presentations in Conflict Resolution today, and our group was the best of all. There were six group with 4-5 members in each so that's always something! We all got A+ in our group, even though we were graded individually. I'm pleased!
Also gives me a boost of confidence now right before the test tomorrow. I'll repeat everything tonight and go over it. First of all I'm off to New World to buy a snack that'll keep me going till I pass out. Literally.
Jeeeez, knowing that a test is coming up is scary, but it also gives quite an adrenalin rush!
I'm off to start now. Wish me good luck and cross your fingers, for God's sake!
Greetings from Psychville
I'm sorry for not replying on e-mails, letters, phone calls or texts. I'm just very, very anti-social at the moment, all absorbed by my text books, trying to understand everything. Why, oh why do they have to put all assignments after the Easter break? Panicking here.. Ah well, on the other hand the semester will be over in about a month so I'm also trying to enjoy the last out of it, but any trips or other exciting things will most likely be put aside until I'm finished with all of my lab reports, essays, tests, and exams. Nervracking, but quite exiting as well.
As for now I'm off to catch the bus into town in about 15 minutes. Until then I hope to find one of my text books that seems to have disappeared, NOT the right time for that to happen. So class 3-6, then study all night until I feel like I know everything inside out properly.
Psychology. It is interesting, but I wish I had some more foundation in English rather than Swedish. But on the other hand, I prefer knowing it in English. It's more useful
Off to uni now, aaaaaaah wish I could spend the whole day studying and have the lecture tomorrow night rather than today.
Once again, sorry for not keeping touch. I just don't feel like I have time for that right now.
Seriously dead, with a touch of paranoia
- two customers were wearing "Ghostbusters" tees
- my boss wants me to work every weekend the coming week, even though I've specifically told him I might have to take one of these off due to exams
- he also wants me to work extra, which I would've appreciated if I actually had time for it instead of going in the opposite direction
- it is impossible to stop reading after getting started on "the girl with the dragon tattoo"
- having both the book and the second season of Lost puts me in a wierd position where I have to choose between the two
- chapter 4: sensation & perception in my 500 page psychology book doesn't really make sense at all
- my new favourite candy is dried papaya
Well. That's basically what's going on in my head right now. It just makes me sick that my day was: go to work, come home from work, make dinner, study. So now I'm supposed to study, 8 pm, when all I really need is to get some sleep. Or read my book for half an hour. What doesn't help is that it's useless trying to understand something after sunset when you're really tired and without a stash of either really strong coffee of a couple of big Red Bull cans. I wouldn't mind pulling an all nighter and getting it all done, but once again I have to get up at 7 am. Kind of a problem. What to do, what to do...
On top of it all is Angels b-day party which takes place tomorrow night. I can't miss it. I've been an anti-social, non-drinking and boring student since the beginning of this semester which makes me both sad and disappointed. There is so much more I want out of this!
Besides all of that, I'm being paranoid about people breaking into the house. It might be that the iron boost pills I'm taking to keep myself from being tired are containing something else than just iron and vitamin c, or I'm simply going mad. Might also be a side effect of reading a book about sadists, mass murderers and conspiracies. Ah well. I suppose I'll give sensation and perception a shot. Can't wait till Sunday when I have the whole day off t study, and will be able to do so all night if I wish to.

Busy woman
- get to town no later than noon
- do psych experiment
- pay remaining fees
- collect my student id card
- top up my maxx card + combine register with student id card (for cheaper bus rides)
- buy a new brow pencil
- extend my NZ bank account
- finish summaries on chapter 3, 4 & 7 i psychology
As you can see I only have the summarizing left, which will take some time. Before I do that, I think I'll go for a run. I was supposed to walk into town (takes approx 1 hour) but due to rain I went there by bus, so I need to compensate for that. And I need to be in shape for the morningruns with Eirik once he gets back from Cook Islands as well.. ;)
Here are some of Erica's pics from Christchurch. Love you sis, it was nice to Skype you earlier today! xx

Cathedral Square

Sumner Beach


Cathedral Square - Before the burlesque with sis

Me and my beautiful sis enjoying wine before the burlesque

Cathedral Square
Well, that's it for me. Off for a quick run now in the crappy weather. Ciao!
O - M - G
Auckland - LA
LA - London
London - Copenhagen
Yay! I wish I'd have mor than 2 hours in LA, but wtf it'll be amazing anyways! I'm soooo excited, which is wierd because I haven't really been so until now. Can't be bad aye?
I have to go meet up Chris, my flatmate, in a few minutes. He's joining me in Mission Bay tonight, and we just might get beer and play Xbox 360 aaaaaaall night. Ohyeah, nice with some company!
Jeeeeeeeeeeez can't believe I'm running out of time and will be in Sweden soon. So strange, it really doesn't make any sense at all, but on the other hand it'll be so nice to see family and friends again. I miss you!
NZ - Hot or Not
I love
- how people always say thank you to the bus drivers
- how eating disorders doesn't seem to exist at all, in fact girls apologize for not finishing a meal rather than the opposite --> eating should not be taboo!
- the laid back atmosphere
- the cheap alcohol, in comparison to Swe that is
- the cheap shopping, in comparison to Swe as well
- the kiwi lingo, which doesn't make any grammatical sense but is still catchy
- the extra buttery popcorn, sooo unhealthy and soooo good!
- the hospitality, just the fact how easy it is to hitch hike and a stranger would invite you to their home and share whatever they've got - because that's what kiwi's do!
- how excited kiwi's get when they find out you're foreign (in smaller communities)
- how multi cultural NZ is
- how people come together and co operate in times of despair and crisis, just look at ChCh!
I don't like
- how common drugs are in NZ, even though there are drugs evrywhere it's not even taboo around here, and I find that scary and it makes me feel uncomfortable
- that even though you're working like a maniac you never seem to make any money due to the extremely low wages
- the poor quality of the water in Auckland --> it tastes like chlorine, eek
- all the abbreviatons, reading a text is many times about the same like decoding hidden messages in wartime
- the incredibly slow internet which seems to drive all internationals insane
- the high costs for texting/calling in NZ, it's cheaper for me to call a land line in Sweden than calling within NZ
- the expensive and badly planned bus system - feels like the bus driver just drives around to random places hoping to end up where te passengers wants to go
- that Auckland is filled with homeless people, all ages