So today has really been a very productive day... I have organized all of my papers from the whole semester, printed out heaps of forms to fill in and also studied a lot of NZ politics.. It was all fine until Esme and Charlie just decided to carry me (literally) all the way to the liquor store, only to lock me into the fridge where they keep all the beer until I agreed to drink with them instead of continue my studying. Besides that, I was wearing shorts and tank top in the fridge, not okay.
So now I have had almost two beers, haha, and I seriously doubt that we're going out considering time's almost two in the morning. But still, I like that they actually kidnapped me only to have me drinking with them, they do leave in seven days so I agree on that we should make something out of every day. I love you guys!
Me and Linnea went to the beach at 10.30 and stayed there for six hours. The beach is located in North Shore and takes about 20 minutes on bus to get there. We had around 20-22 degrees with no clouds, and I can say with joy that 20 degrees here is like 27 degrees at home, and the sunburn is amazin since there is no ozon layer down here on the southern atmosphere.
So we spent the six hours on laying on the beach studying. It was perfect, no distractions, just the sound of the waves and calm music in the portable speakers, and most important: hardly any people at all. We are going back again in two days, thursday, to become even more tanned and more educated. Loving it!
The best thing down here is that the tan I get in one hour in Sweden, only takes me ten minutes to get down here, so you can all imagine how fast I get brown, hihi!
Oh well, now that I'm back I'm not sure what to do about tonight. Esme got her internship in Bostin, which means she'll be moving there within the next couple of months, and she found that out today.., which leads us to celebrating. I think I'm staying here at WSA to study some more and just relax, but I might join her out, it is a big freaking deal and I am so proud of her!
Oh well, I'll just see what I'll end up doing. Right now I'll go and put on some mre aloe vera on my sunburned body, and then do whatever.

Me and my girls ♥
Blue eyes
All I can say about today is beautiful weather, loving it! I have been tanning out on the courtyard all day long, with a book, muesli and a bottle of water: all you need for a nice and calm day.
There is one song that is perfect for New Zealand and especially today, as it is such a summer song, sad but still makes you happy.
Blue eyes, by the very talented singer Mika.
travel. explore.
This year has been deducated to travelling for me.
I started off in London, England i January, as I needed to get away and fled the country with my mate Klara. A long weekend (thu-sun) was enough to make me fall in love with the city and the country.
Later on in late March I found myself going to Prag, Czech Republic, with my friends Mathilda and Lina, as we decided to go there for our graduation trip. A week full of beer, food and culture.
After that, I spontaneously left for Germany and Finland to see my friend who works at a boat down there (or actually up there considering I'm way down south, hehe). He called me the night before and we decided that it would be fun of me to go see him the morning after, like 10 hours later. That was a good trip, and I got to see some of Hankku, Finland, and Lübeck, Germany.
I the beginning of June I went to Polen with school and got to see beautiful Krakow and less beautiful Auchwitz. Rather depressing, but educating and something everyone should do, in educational purpose.
And the of course in early July, I jumped on the plane to London again, as my first destination was Heathrow Airport for six hours. After London, I spent 12 hours in Singapore at the airport, and another 13 hours later, I arrived in Auckland, New Zealand.
The finally (this far) I ended up in Samoa in September. It was never my plan to travel during the mid-break, but as it was my last chance to travel for real with my mates here, I took the chance and went. A week I'll never forget in a beautiful place.
So this far in 2010, I've been to 8 countries, actually 9 if all of my flights from Copenhagen, Denmark counts. I'm pretty sure I wont visit any more countries this year, but I have some places I am definatley visiting ASAP:
- the States, primarily Florida, West Coast and of course Kansas baby! Maybe Boston as well.
- Rome, Italy. I'm moving there one day.
- Oslo, Norway. Sounds boring, but I really wanna go there and work, and to visit Guro of course!
- Mexico City and Cancun, Mexicio, as I got mates there and would kill to see Cancun.
- Australia. All of it, hehe. Should have gone there in December, but I'll just do it another time.
Last New Years I made a promise to myself to celebrate Christmas and New Years Eve abroad. Not in Sweden. Not even close. And I did it, here I am and I love it.
Thank GOD for travelling, I can't wait to explore the world.
Well, since some of the tasks were pretty god damn hard, I jugged down a lot of margarita before going to the city, and thank god I did, otherwise I'd never finshed the list.
Here are some of the points from my list:
- take a picture of me in the backseat of a cop car
- pull a strangers hair
- jug a pint of beer
- play hide and seek in a bar (friends choose location)
- stranger rodeo (jump up on a strangers back)
- tell a stranger "your'e a good cunt, wanna poon?" (kinda inside joke at the whole WSA by now)
- flirt with a trannie
- ask a hobo for change
- get a free taxi ride
- collect $19
Well, it was a wild night. Rules said that every person I finish a task on had to sign the list (which I was carrying around my neck ALL NIGHT) and get a picture with me and them in it. So I have the sign lying in Esme's livingroom looking awesome. It's going up on my wall, that's for sure.
I'm at the library right now, so I'm gonna finish up and then head back to WSA, only to pass out in the couch. Sweet as!
Pictures are coming.
Poster Display, the D day
After the poster display, I'm having girls dinner with mexican theme, so tacos, margaritas and tequila! After dinner we're going out, and I heard a rumor about a list with 19 things I have to do during the night, so that's going to be interesting finding out what they might be, hehe!
Well, this day has been superb this far, as Esme and Brittany woke me up (scared me sooo bad as they ran into my room screaming, haha) and brought me out to the kitchen where they had prepared breakfast for me. I love my girls!
So now I'm off to school, tonight's gonna be a good night with good friends!
Lot's of love!
The weekend in summary
B-day card, or a bomb?
Since I picked it up on my way to my group meeting, I brought the letter to the library. The fun part is that while I was standing in the library with one guy from my group, waiting for the rest of them to get there, the card starts to beep without me even opening it what so ever, and there was nothing I could do at the moment to make it stp. Poeple trying to study startet to stare at me with the evil eyes, probably wishing me a slow and painful death for disturbing them in the middle of their final studies, but fortunatley after 45 seconds or so I managed to make it stop beeping.
It was fun though, and pretty awesome to recive a birthday card from so far away, and it is now hanging on my wall so that I can see it whenever I want to.
I haven't spoken to them for so long now, which feels really, really wierd. Because of the time difference, making a phone call is almost impossible, especially when I have homework, a job and a social life to think about. Oh well, there will be time as school's out just a few days away, which is both exiting and depressing.
Anywho, I'm off to do some stuff now and make some dinner.
Hum, summer or what?
I guess what we have in Auckland right now is spring, because it is way too warm to wear the big jacket, and still too cold to wear the shorts and tank top... This is very disturbing, as I am right now in my so called study outfit, which simply is beach shorts and my Kiss t-shirt. It's good inside, but as soon as i step out I get cold. The weather here is very unpredictable, as it can be as warm as any summer day in the morning, and then windy and freaking cold in the evening, which just cannot be good either psychologically or physically.
Very disturbing. So right now I just wish I brought my dear Russian hat I used last winter in Sweden, warm and cosy. However, I just finsihed my poster and my summary of it. So, what's up now then...?

Summer, oh summer
So I'm working on my poster right now, wishing I was more creative than I really am and longing for summer, no school but work and adventures instead, it's going to be great!

Gotta love New Zealand.
I am counting down until February when my sister is coming here, can't wait to see her!
Off to bed now.

Back to Auckland..
Lot's of love
May God's love be with you
I am studying right now, got some shit do fix before the weekend starts for real.. ;) Tomorrow it's Esme's b-day party, and on saturday morning we're off to Bay of Islands to chill out the rest of the weekend, oh it's going to be soooo nice!

Emma and I one night at Brooklyn Bar

Spice Girls, all five of us (Memo - Sporty Spice, Brittany - Ginger Spice, Me - Baby Spice, Esme - Posh Spice, Jonathan - Scary Spice)
holy crap
I'm exited, wish me luck!
Happy happy
Oh well, I'll get started. Might upload some pics later on today!
AU Wiedersehen

Gretchen and I last friday
Bay of Islands
Esme and Brittany went this weekend to Coromadel, but I work and therefore I couldn't come with them. But Bay of Islands is going to be amazing and it is the perfect way to celebrate Esme's birthday on saturday.
Otherwise, monday is already over and tuesday is closing up. Time's slipping by and school is almost over for this semester. Right now, I'm trying to figure out whether to go on the U2 concert or not... Of course I want to, I mean I'd LOVE to go there, but I'll see how I end up doing. My heart is aching when I think about selling the ticket.
Oh well, it's getting late and I have an early morning tomorrow. I hope everyone's doing fine back in Sweden, I'm doing great here anyway.
Bay of Islands


And some from the weekend before:

And here are some from a night out, probably 1,5 months ago:

DAMN YOU, daaaamn you
Oooooooowh good night!

Samoa <3
Sleepless in Auckland
So it has been a long day, and I'm tired but apparently not enough to go to sleep, so here I am.
Tomorrow it's work and some cleaning that's up for me.. Otherwise I don't really know.
And btw, the formal dinner was AWESOME, and I went as Baby Spice, I'll put up some pics later on.
And now I'm just too uninspired to write anything else, so I'll be back. Ciao!
Great fun with Guro
The show was amazing, and even though I'm not too familiar with NZ music, I enjoyed every second and the music was great! Guro is an amazing person with such a charm impossible to imagine. She got us two passes to the afterparty, and later on she got herself a VIP card to access backstage. At the afterparty, they had food such as miniburgers, mini fish and chips, cheese, crackers, free drinks (beer, wine), good music and nice people. We had a lot of fun there mingling around with random people.
We got back home pretty early, which was probably for the best since we have the Formal Dinner tonight. Unfortunatley, I couldn't get my dress so after handning in my assignment today I'll have to find a dress to wear. But it shouldnät be too much of a problem.
So now I'm gonna continue with my researching: Nike and their outsourcing.

Well, right now I'm dealing with the accomodation for next year, I'm gonna apply within the next few days. And in a couple of minutes I'll either go for one beer and then hit the shower, or hit the shower and then have a drink. At six, Guro and I are leaving for the music awards, which is gonna be freaking insane! We have decided to get som signatures, hell yeah!
Oh well, better get going then, hehe!
And btw, this is for one of my friends who obviously follow my blog :)
Jasmine, du inspirerar mig med! Jag saknar dig min partypingla, gissa vad vi ska gora nar jag kommer hem igen? Love you girl, du ar underbar!

Studies -and I like it! (and some Samoa pics)
Right now Iäm doing fine, I have some inspiration and my flow is pretty good, and I decided than when I'm starting to finish up, I'm gonna go and make some eggs. Damn do I love eggs? I already had five today (breakfast and lunch) and I still want more, it just can't be good to eat that many? Ah who cares.. ;)
Well, I have all of my eight arguments and they're pretty god damn good as well!
So I'm just gonna continue with what I'm doing, take my time and do it good! I don't wanna miss out on NZ Music awards because of an essay!

This is what we had for breakfast every day in Samoa

..and this is what we had for,.. well everything. Haha, Maitai!

Me, at the dinner one of the last nights

The remedy for anything: fresh coconutmilk straight out the coconut
for breakfast

Mau's Long Island Icetea

Not that charmin, but hey that's me, haha!

Beautiful view during a morning walk before breakfast

Pretty god damn awesome view!

Tonight: write an essay for my States and Nations class
Ryan's birthday
Tomorrow: New Zealand Music Awards with Guro
Friday: Formal Dinner, most people will dress out, and me and four friends have a common theme which I will reveal later on
Saturday: Beach?
Sunday: Beach
Well, I guess you could count the beach as a place for total relaxation, but still a lot of things going on. I like it!

If only the NZ beach could look like this.... :)
Carpe diem
A lot of things to do this week, including Ryan's birthday today, which means crazy allnighter and a lot of alcohol for most students here I guess. But as I have an assignment due on friday morning I'm not sure I'm going out at all, even if I planned to go out sober and go home early, because I don't want to miss out on a birthday party of course.
But I am going to the NZ Music Awards tomorrow with Guro, and might not have time to study then, so I'm just gonna finish my assignment todaym hopefully!
The question is quite interesting, and I would prefer just to discuss the topic rather than finding evidence for all of my statements as it is more of an discussion question, or rather statement: "With increased globalization, States are dinosaurs waiting to die". So I will write four pros and four cons for this statement. The really hard thing is the research.
Well, I'll just see what happends, going out is always an awesome motivation for finishing up assignments in time, but I'd rather take my time on it than stressing so I guess I'll be here all night!
Now, dinner and then study!
Me and Guro in Samoa, not the most handsome pic of me, haha, but pretty funny!
WSA in my ♥
Hey people!
I'm done with all lectures for today, and kind of tired aswell, but the plan for tonight is hopefully to take the refreshing walk to Mount Eden, and then meet Brittany out later on. Tomorrow I don't have class until 2 pm, so I can sleep for loooong!
Otherwise I just thought of how awesome WSA is and how much I love living here.
Me in SIngapore a hundred years ago,
Coma sunday
Oh well. I'm leaving for work soon, have a nice day everyone!
Dawn of the dead