Carpe diem
A lot of things to do this week, including Ryan's birthday today, which means crazy allnighter and a lot of alcohol for most students here I guess. But as I have an assignment due on friday morning I'm not sure I'm going out at all, even if I planned to go out sober and go home early, because I don't want to miss out on a birthday party of course.
But I am going to the NZ Music Awards tomorrow with Guro, and might not have time to study then, so I'm just gonna finish my assignment todaym hopefully!
The question is quite interesting, and I would prefer just to discuss the topic rather than finding evidence for all of my statements as it is more of an discussion question, or rather statement: "With increased globalization, States are dinosaurs waiting to die". So I will write four pros and four cons for this statement. The really hard thing is the research.
Well, I'll just see what happends, going out is always an awesome motivation for finishing up assignments in time, but I'd rather take my time on it than stressing so I guess I'll be here all night!
Now, dinner and then study!
Me and Guro in Samoa, not the most handsome pic of me, haha, but pretty funny!