10.30 am
So I'll put on some shorts and head out in the beautiful weather, even though I have no plan whatsoever of where to go. Botanical gardens? Maybe. More likely that I will end up at Starbucks at Cathedral Square to see the sun, watch people, read my book, drink my coffee and take notes of whatever crosses my mind. I do that sometimes. I bring my notebook to a public place, drink coffee and then brainstorm about anything that hits me, often related to people I spot around me. It's really interesting, but it's a sad habit if you do it too often. We have to remain our own life and live that, and not just live and nurture on what other people are doing.
Soooo Cathedral Square I'm guessing. It'll be nice. I'll probably just stay out all day, have sushi for lunch and then head back for a shower and pregaming for the night out.
I hope your night in Sweden is nice, don't forget to drink glögg for me, I just might have some when I get back in five months...
8.30 am ♥
I woke up about an hour ago, who would have thought that huh? Well, for some beautiful reason I've slept all night. I passed out around 1 am after reading for 30 mins or so, and I just couldn't have been happier for being awake and sorted out in the morning, about 10 hours earlier than I usually am.
I tried to fall asleep again after waking up, non successfully, so I might just have to take a nap or go to bed for another hour soon to survive the night. OH YEAH, tonight's the big night. The whole crew from RockPool and Micky Finn's are going out and we are getting ROWDY! We gonna tear this place doooown! Haha, it's gonna be great that's fo sho!
Soooo, I'm not sure of what to do this time of the day.. It's pretty cold still, so I think I'll stay inside till the heat hits us (rumour has it we'll have 30 degrees Celcius today) and then go for a walk around the city and to the botanical gardens and perhaps to the museum? Whatever I feel like!
I'm outa here, off to have breakfast and entertain myself, perhaps finish my book?
Ciao! ♥
Sweet Home.. Eh?
As I am watching this movie, I'm thinking about home.
The term "home" confuses me. I can't seem to define it. Is home the place where you are currently living, or the place where your heart is and always will be? I have been living in Christchurch for 2,5 months roughly, and by that I mean living. Not doing the whole tourist thing living in a hostel, but working, paying rent and going food shopping. Sure, there have been nights out, but most of the time I've been exhausted, worn out and sleepless. I have grown to love this city, and soon I'll be leaving, possibly never to come back again. Maybe in April, when I will do my South Island trip, but who knows?
So in less than three weeks, I will be going back to Auckland. Sweet, sweet Auckland where I learned how to take care of myself, study on a higher level and drink tequila like a man. How many times have I packed and unpacked my bags the last twelve months? How many times do I have left to do it the coming twelve months?
If home is where your heart is, I'm screwed in all honesty because I don't think I'll ever find a place good enough to settle down in. But if home is where you live, experience and learn, I guess I have a shot.
A countdown is ongoing in my head. I started as soon as I did half of my time in NZ. I'm counting down for Auckland, and for Sweden. Auckland will be in nineteen and a half days, and Sweden will happen in roughly five months. If I will be able to stick to my plan, I'll move back home to my mom's in July, only to move up north in Sweden for further studies in August.
Scared? Yes
Nervous? Yes
Terrified? Yes...
Not only that. I'm freaking out to be honest. The future makes me anxious, because everything is going so well down here. I have a job, my own place and most of all: my studies. I have never felt as defined as I do now. Will I be able to define who I am once I leave the place that brought the definition up?
On the other hand
I'm very excited about what the future has to offer. I am certain that no matter what choices I make, places I go to or people I choose to get involved with, it is for the best. I have faith in myself, and one should never forget that excitement and other strong feelings we experience from life only spices it up a bit.

my soul slides away
It's almost 7 in the morning. Last night was CRAZY at work, sooooo busy and so many extraordinarily drunk people. Sometimes I just get sick and tired of the behaviour of drunk people.. Oh well. I'm a bit cranky, haven't eaten propely so that's probably why. Can only say that I'm starving even though I already had one grilled cheese and two sandwiches with ham and cucumber so I guess I'll keep eating until I feel better? Yeah, feel like shit otherwise as well. For some reason my arms are all swollen, so my watch is actually not fitting me anymore, which is fucked up because it usually is too big for me. Might be because of all the lifting I do at work..? Wierd anyhow...
Ah well. I'm tired, annoyed, hungry and so on, so I'll make some more food and then start a movie or whatever.
Micky and Rock Pool xmas staff party

Greetings from down under
Today has been lazy. I woke up in the afternoon, exhausted from working all night. And then it took me a few hours to find energy to move, and once I did I went to Rock Pool, one of the bars I work in, for dinner. Well, I had my breakfast, lunch and dinner at 10.30: nachos. I suppose I'm not living the most healthy lifestyle right now, but as far as I concern, how is it possible to when I work the way I do? No complaints though, I enjoy it a lot!
So I went to Rock Pool for dinner, had a chat with my workmates and a few cups of coffee while reading the newspaper. I must say I'm surprised about having such a quiet Friday. It's my first Friday off since I started working here, and I didn't even feel like going out. I went home around 1 am and I have had a relaxing night with myself since. I skyped and right now I'm cuddling up with Erin Brockovich in the dvd.
This is not how I spend every day, even though a quiet day is good every now and then.
Saturday: work 10 pm till close
Sunday: beach if nice weather
Monday: hopefully going to the museum
Tuesday: going out with friends from work
Then around the 10th of February, my sister and I will rent a car and drive around the South Island and explore. The 19th we'll be on the flight to Auckland, and the 28th school starts again. I can't wait to see all of my wonderful friends up north again.
Well, that's a quick update from me. Since I can't sleep by night, I'll enjoy the movie with a cup of chamomile tea. Lot's of love from the southern hemosphere.
/Louise "Swedie"

Matthew Morrison - Glee
Some quick facts
- born 30 October 1978
- born in California
- starred in one SATC episode in 1999, as "young busboy"
- incredibly hot

Top 5 things to do when I'm back in SWE
4. Go to IKEA and H&M, which for some reason does not exist in NZ
3. Eat Swedish meatballs with lingonsylt
2. Go to Hamnkrogen in Helsingborg for a glass of wine or a beer a hot summer evening
1. Have a full day in Gothenburg for good food, Liseberg and nice company (must meet Linnéa Porathe when I get there)

Fesh & Chepps
I can feel that I worked last night, my chest, legs and arms are all tender after running and lifting for 8 hours. Feels good! It's 6.30 pm this thursday evening, tomorrow I'm off (I'd really prefer to work though) and then I'm working again on Saturday. I'm just really tired for now, so until I start working I'll just watch Friends on tv, have something to eat and a shower.
And oh. How beautiful are dalmatians? I think I want one. Haha!

06.20 am
It's 6.20 in the morning, we just had sunrise and I came home from work about an hour ago. I worked from 8 pm till 4 am, and as usual I'm unable to fall asleep. I've had some food and right now I'm drinking chamomile tea and watching Lost. Might hit the rest of my M&M's as well, lol.
I'm working tomorrow as well, unless I change my shift for Friday instead. BUT I will try to get up earlier so that I can grab a coffee and actually achieve something during the day more than just sleeping.
Well. Sis is leaving for Wellington in 15 minutes and guess what, she JUST started packing. Can't help but loving her for that.
I'll get some serious rest now before I go more crazy catlady than I already am. Ciao.
La Famiglia Bella
I didn't pass out until 5ish this morning. Blows aye? Well, I've slept most of the day, went to Countdown and then sorted out some stuff with uni, so I'm off to city centre soon to mail some papers to uni. Otherwise, I'd like to ju relax with a good movie and a cup of coffee later on tonight. Tomorrow I'll start work at 8 pm, hopefully I'll be working until we close.
Right now I'm relaxing in the couch with a bag of M&M's after sorting out some shit with uni, and I had to be on hold for 15 minutes which is not cool at all.. Ah well, it's done now, feels good!
I'm so tired, so I'll hit my mp3 with some good music, get some fresh air and drag my ass to the Post Office. Uhuuu... ;)
- congrats Esme, who recently moved to and started her internship in Boston. You seem to be doing good and I am more than happy for you. All the best from me
- good luck with your work Gretchen. You might be the youngest and the only female there, but I'm sure you'll work harder than most of the people there. Just some work, then you'll be ready to continue your travels (and if you end up in NZ you know who'd be happy)
- congrats to me, for living in paradise for almost seven months...
- ... and shame on me, for forgetting all birthdays, events and special happenings in Sweden (okay, some in NZ as well). Is it a legitimate excuse to say that I am too far away to think about it? Or could I blame the time difference? Or am I simply forgetful?
Please update me with what's up in Sweden. I don't want to return knowing nothing of what's happend the last twelve months. Keep me posted!

Sleepless in Chch
Well... I think I'll go grab some left overs, keep watching Big Bang Theory and hoping to fall asleep soon enough.
crazy catlady
It just can't be good never to sleep by night, right? Because I haven't done that properly for two months now. How is that even possible? It drives me crazy, that's for sure.
Well. I'm sitting in my kitchen right now, because our little house is packed with people and I wish I could have brought a mattress and a tv in here so that I could waste my time here without disturbing anyone else. But that's not gonna happen aye?
So the plan for tomorrow is to get hold on AUT. Those ***** never answer my calls nor e-mails which I find really annoying.. But I will not give up, but keep trying until I succeed. I have to!
And as you might notice on the tone of my writing, I'm in a bad mood. It's all because I can't sleep. I wish Mark was here so that we could sit up all night and talk about random shit like we do every now and then. He's a great friend, always nice to have that!
Well. Back to being in a bad mood. I am, but for now I'll go to bed pretty soon to close my eyes, think of something and try to concentrate about dreaming of it. Sometimes it works, hopefully it will this time as well. So what will I think about? God dammit!
Good night!
I am currently making plans for the coming South Island trip. There will be a strict budget, but I'll have a few weeks of working and saving until then, and as long as I actually get out there to see some new placed, I don't really care about the whole budget thing. I'll prob go down in April again anyway.
The 19th of February, I'll be on the flight back to Auckland. Fuck yea.
I miss you so much that it hurts. Every day, every hour and every minute I wish you were here, just the four of us doing our own little thing. I do consider myself independent emotionally speaking, but when it comes to you... I wish you were here with me every day to council me in whatever i need council in. Friendship is something beautiful, and I am forever grateful for getting to know you. You made my days in Auckland, my first semester in uni, and guided me through life.
I just miss you so much.
Gretchen Schroer. Brittany Rucker. Esme Lisanne Den Ouden.
5.30 am
Lesson learned today: there is no such thing as private life. Even though I knew it before. I stick to live every day as if it was the last
Last night was fun, I went out with a good gang from work and stayed out until six in the morning. A great mix of glassys, bartenders and bouncers, good times! Today was supposed to be my second day off, but I got called in to work about two hours ago, but it's not too bad, working from 7 till 10 pm, only three hours! And it is always something on the paycheck :D
So I'll get ready for work now. I'm really tired actually, I've been working wed-mon straight, and now wed-sun (possibly more days in a row depending on next week's roster). It's exhausting, but it's FUN and that's all that matter right now. Having fun and paying the bills, nothing I mind at all!
Soooooo, I need some mental preparing for work and then I'm off ;)
Ciao babes!
Bigger Better Faster Stronger
Morning fellas!
Or well, it's 7 pm here and I just woke up. I've slept for 12 hours, but I'm pleased I did because I really needed it, I feel more awake right now than I've done for a few days straight now. I'm off from work tonight and tomorrow night, so in about 2,5 hours I'll be going out for dinner and then for drinks with workmates. Thank God I'm off tomorrow, haha! Then on Thursday I'm on it again. Feels good getting so many hours! ♥
Soo, I'm going out for dinner pretty soon. Before that I'll just eat one of my delicious scones, have a shower and maybe tidy up some more.
The end of the week will be crazy, as Kelsey is coming home from Aussie + two guests of her will be staying here, my sister and Erika and her boyfriend are coming as well. That equals seven people in a house consisting teo bedrooms and one (relatively large though) livingroom. This shall be interesting!
Ah well, we'll sort it out.
A bun in the oven. Or four.
Just took out my blueberry scones from the oven. Can only say one word about them: DELICIOUS!
I have some new ideas regarding bread: I want to try out carrot bread! And pumpkin bread as well. That'll be next weeks project.
I love baking!
Well, I won't sleep more. Today I will clean at home, and if I have all the ingredients I'll make blueberry scones. Yesterday I made more banana and apple chips, so I have that if I feel like snacking, yay!
But I am dead, well at least as dead as possible with a beating heart and functioning brain. Not fun at all. Some good music, dancing around singing along and cleaning should do the trick ♥
Here are some good songs I'll be listening to
Good morning

Pretty tired aye!

El Beacho
Now, I'm heading for a shower, then Countdown to buy fruit and then sleeeeeeeep before work (haven't slept more than one hour).

Pretty good tan line for two hours! Gosh I love to tan!
Yesterday was awful! I slept all day and felt like shit. I literally got out of bed one hour before work to shower. But once I arrived at work, had a lot of coca cola (caffeine) I felt a bit better. I did meet some peculiar characters last night.
There was one guy who first asked me if I wanted his number. Straight up person as I am, I simply replied that sure, he could give it to me but I will most likely not be in touch what so ever. He decided to give it to me anyway, and told me he wanted to take me out for dinner. Swedish dinner, to be accurate, so in the end he said he'd bring me to IKEA in Sydney to have Swedish meatballs.
Another guy came up to me as I had my break and asked me if I could just run off for half an hour with him from work. I just looked at him, thinking he's pretty God damn stupid for asking such a thing, with a clear no as an answer. He asks me why, and say because I am working. He keeps talking to me andwants a better explanation to why I can't leave my duties with a dude I've never seen before in my life. So I answer: first of all, I'm working and I have responsibilities. Second of all, I simply don't want to. Then the guy gave up and left me. Thank the lord!
Then there were the usual guys who'd just come up and flirt, ask me for my number, what time I finish work and so on. After almost two months at this job, it still amaze me how the drunk people aka the customers look up to the bar staff, as if we were some kind of supernatrual kind of people.
Ah well..
It's now 9.30 in the morning, it's gorgeous weather outside (sunny and hot, has been since sunrise) and I'm off to the beach at 11. I'll just sleep there while I'm tanning, I refuse to spend another full day inside. I just Skyped Christoffer for an hour and a half, so I'll just spend the rest of the time eating my home made muesli with my home made dried bananas, watching kids television (or possibly Lost extra material for the second time).
Plans for the coming week:
Sunday: beach, work 11 pm
Monday: clean apartment, work 11 pm
Tuesday: prepare for the Swedes
Wednesday: do whatever I feel like, sis arrives in Sydney (I think)
Thursday: work 10 pm, Erika and Alex (mate from high school + boyfriend) is coming
Dried fruit
Work in two hours and I am absolutely exhausted. Huh!
"You're off the hook"
I'm tired but I don't feel like sleeping, so I'll just chill out, watch a movie or something and wait for sleep to hit me.
Anywho, I've been thinking. My sister is on her way here right this moment, her plane from Sweden took off about five hours ago, and in a few days she'll be here with me. So will my friend from high school. I can only say that I am very happy. Very, very happy!
Well. Moving down here has been confusing for me in mustiple aspects. I have realized things I never thought I would. I have missed people as much as I have almost forgotten people that I never thought I would miss/forget. Well, I have always had a strong philosophy about missing someone, and it has kept me from doing just that in many situations and with many people, but this philosophy seems to have disappeared somewhere along the way which I actually don't like at all. I don't like being that dependent, when I know that I can take care of myself. I should be fully able to just "erase" someone from my mind just by wanting it, as I could do before. So, once and for all, I will try to make this happen. Once and for all is all I'm asking for. Just let me forget, because I don't want to think nor miss anymore.
Of course, this does not concern everyone. I don't mind missing family, good friends or my NZ whanau, because all of you are close to my heart and will always be, and missing you only brings me to good memories and a smile on my face. Even though I can't see you right now, I'm still grateful for every second with you. I don't mind missing you just because of that, because you make me smile.
By the time my smile fades away because I miss someone, that's when my mind needs to be cleared. So, why isn't it working as it should?
Just some 7 am thoughts. I'm tired and still a bit "high" on coffee and JD & coke. Excuses for any confusions. I'm just done with this now. Time for mind dicipline.
With Metallica - One playing on iTunes I'm making home made falafel with pasta and an egg. Omega 3, carbohydrates and protein! To work I'll bring fruit and a nutbar in case I get hungry. I have to have my dinner this late, otherwise I'll be starving around 2 am craving for something real to eat.
Work soon, tonight will be busy.
Favourite songs by Metallica:
Turn the page
The day that never comes
Enter Sandman
Nothing else matters
Hypothecially - home made muesli
Reason: muesli is packed with sugar, and it is expensive. So I might as well make my own. It's in the oven now and should be done in ten minutes or so. Tomorrow I'll dry apples and bananas to put in it.
Muesli á la Louise:
Approx 4 dl oatmeal (havregryn)
1 dl linseed (linfrön)
2 dl sunflower seeds
1 dl coconut
Approx 2 dl chopped nuts: walnut, hazelnut, peanut, brazil nut, cashew nut
Approx 1 dl chopped almonds
Mix and add:
2 dl water mixed with 0,5 dl honey
Mix all of it and roast in oven, 200 degrees, for about 25 minutes. Stir often.
Let it cool and add dried fruit, such as banana, raisin, apple, ananas, mango or whatever you feel like. Enjoy.
Delicious or what? It smells like heaven here and I can't wait to have some for breakfast tomorrow! I'll try some when I'm done to see what it tastes like.
Well, I have work in 1,5 hours, so until then I'll have a shower, make dinner and chill out. I will feel fine tonight!
And by the way, a big thank you to one of Micky Finn's band, The Elevators, who dedicated a song to me last night when I was cleaning up broken glass. They played Enter Sandman by Metallica, which is my favourite of the ones they play.
2.10 pm
I am now awake, having some breakfast and just chilling. I'm starting to get a cold, so I'm all tugged in with double pairs of sweat pants and two thick blanchets. There is no way in hell that I will catch a cold, so I'll hit the tea with honey as well.
Last night was terrible, and wierd because I never get a head ache. I mean never! I think I have had it two times since I moved to NZ, at the most. It just doesn't happen to me. So I don't know why.. It wasn't because of dehydration, that's for sure. And I did have dinner during the day, and an apple, a banana and a nutbar around 9.50 to 11.00.
Well, it's a mystery. I will go and make me some more food now. Eat, sleep and drink tea is what I shall do today before work. I refuse to feel bad tonight!
My head hurts so bad, and I don't want to take a pill, but I won't be able to sleep until it's gone (or I won't, there is nothing worse than sleeping witch an head ache), so I have a dilemma here. Suffer, or take one of those disgusting, absolutely nasty pain killers?
I haven't decided yet. I'll wait and see.

God only knows
I am sitting in my couch, and as Kelsey is in Australia, I'll be alone for a week now. It feels a bit boring living by myself for such a long time, especially since I still haven't adjusted not being surrounded by people all the time as I was in Auckland. But on the other hand, it's not too bad and I can handle it. I have work in three hours, so I guess I'll be working from 10 pm till 4 am, be home by 5 at least. So all I need to do now before work is to rest.
I love my job, it is fun, my workmates are great and I get to meet a lot of people. But I can't help but looking forward to when I'm done there, so that I can go back to a normal rutine where I sleep by night and feel good and alert all day. Which I haven't at all now for almost two months. It just feels strange being tired all the time, having no energy to get things done, and most of all being literally blurry in my head all the time. It really is hard, and even though I always respected those who work at night, I would never think of it as this. I can do it, it's not it. I just prefer doing things all the time, going somewhere, meeting someone, exploring something. But it is simply not possible to do what I want when I feel like this. That is what I can't stand about it.
However. I'm almost done here, and I am happy to be working tonight. I can't sleep by night and I feel dizzy all day regardless if I work or not, so it would be fine by me to work every night, in all honesty. So yes, I am glad. So I have two hours to kill before I will start getting ready for work, and I will spend those two hours watching Lost or tv. My body needs rest.
Actually, the Big Bang Theory is on now. How cool wouldn't it be if Sheldon Cooper was a real person? Ah, I wish..

I am only going to make me some dinner... What will I make? Might just go for baked beans..? Toast? Both?
Actually, I think I'll get up from bed now, make me some food and move over to the couch and watch Lost.
I just came home a while ago.. It's 4.30 in the morning, and the night started off with watching Little Fockers at the cinema with a workmate. Later on we went to a bar, met some more guys from Rock Pool and hung out with them, had some drinks and then off to Rock Pool and Micky Finn's for some more drinks and tea pot. We stayed there for a while, drinking and playing pool (and yes, I have cancelled my detox, I came to the conclusion that it will never be possible to detox when I work in a bar) and then later on to Stock X-change, another bar in town that is open till 6 am, always. So a couple of Jack Daniels and coke, and some tea pot shots, but I'm still practically sober. I have had some strawberries here at home and I'm going to bed soon to watch Lost until I fall asleep.
I was just looking through some stuff from the days before I left, and my eyes just teared when I read everything my friends wrote to me. All the wishes for me to have the time of my life, and so on. It just touched my heart so much, and I can't decide how I feel about going home in six months. For some people it's a very long time, but for me it's nothing! Time flies by (believe me, I know!) and I'm pretty sure it'll all feel like a couple of weeks by the time I'm heading for the airport to return to Sweden. So much anxiety. What am I returning for? At the moment, I have almost nothing. I have no job, boyfriend, studies, apartment, no nothing to go back to. I'm not accepted to my studies yet, so for now, what would I relly return to. What if I won't get accepted to the studies I hope for?
In one way, I never want to set my foot on Swedish ground again. But on the other hand, I want. It is all so confusing... I'm just going to have some of my FroYo, enjoy Lost and fall asleep. I'm too tired to think about this (and perhaps a bit too affected by the bourbon?).
Good night, good morning, whatever
"Home Swede Home"
I'm not sure of what's up with me tonight, and I don't even know if this is what they call home sickness. If so, is it for Sweden, or WSA? Where is my home anyway? For now, Christchurch is my home, and in a couple of weeks I'll pack up my stuff to leave yet again. I love my life down here, but believe me when I say that it is rough to always be on the road, always going somewhere else. I love the adventure of discovering new places, but I hate saying good bye. I hate not knowing where I belong or what place I should call home.
I never refer to Sweden as "back home". I just say "Sweden". I never even think of it as home, is it? I am scared for how I will feel when I go back.. I am so scared for how I will feel when I step out of that plane and enter the airport, Swedish ground. How will I handle all of these emotions, because it makes me feel so confused already, imagine how I will feel when it's really time..?
I am very good at adjusting. I am independent in many ways. I am grown up. Mature. I have the courage to move abroad for a whole year, without family or friends.
Question is: do I have the courage to just go back to normal?
Experiments in the kitchen
For dessert, I just made FroYo (frozen yogurt) with berries. Very simple, and I hope it is good as well.
My next step in experimenting will be to dry fruit in the oven. Banana and apple will be my first try outs, and if that work out good I might go on for something more advanced. If anyone has any help to give me regarding dried fruit, please step forward.
I just finished the Bond movie Quantum of Solace, so I'll watch some more Lost and wait for sleep to kick in.

The art gallery was amazing! I couldn't stop smiling as I was walking through the different rooms filled with amazing art. There were particularly two beautiful paintings that stunned me, made by the same, unknown artist. It is such a shame that beautiful pieces like them doesn't have a name to celebrate for the artistic work. I might be going back there soon again, for there are few things that gives me the same, peaceful feeling as art.
As you may know, ever since my first visit to the library in Auckland (one of my first days there, of course) I have been meaning to get hold on the first season of Lost in order to watch the show from the beginning. However, I decided to wait until I felt like I deserved to take time off and really enjoy it, and I never quite felt in Auckland that I had time for it. But now, I do feel like I deserve to sit down every now and then to watch it when I'm not working. I will take time to relax now during summer, for there will be no more time left for that when I leave this city. So I bought the first season of Lost.
It took me six months to feel like I deserved it, and I must say that things really do feel more special when you don't haste it, and when you are patient and wait for it. It feels good!
For lunch I had beans, and Kelsey and I will start on dinner soon enough. We will throw together a bit of everything that we have here:
- eggs
- pasta
- beans
- home made falafel
And fruit and berries for dessert. I will also make some good water, with berries and lemon. I know Kelsey hates water and I, at the moment, do prefer something that tastes, so it will be perfect. I'll make the water and then return to my beloved Lost.

Te Puna O Waiwhetu
I just made me some brunch; smoothie with watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and natural yoghurt. Yum! After a shower I'm off to the Christchurch Art Gallery, and there is one exhibition that I particularly want to see calles "Blue Planet". Here is a description of it:
Blue is a feeling, a place to dream, an endless idea and the colour of our amazing planet as seen from space.
Looking at the ways artists have used the colour blue, Blue Planet celebrates imaginative art making and thinking, as well as different cultural and global perspectives.
I'm exited for my me-day. I made extra smoothie so I'll bring some of that, a book and my mp3 so that I can find a spot in the sun, read and relax later on, just by myself.
It's almost 3 in the morning and I am not tired whatsoever. This is the worst thing for me about working night: I can't sleep normally when I'm not working?
In purpose of killing time, I've been watching tv, speaking to my wife Malin for an hour (yes, we are pretty much married, no complaints; she truly is my soulmate) and eating heaps of nuts and dried fruits. Gosh, what am I supposed to do? I'm con pills, so sleeping pill is not an option for now. I only tried half a pill once when I didn't sleep at all for a few days and it didn't even work, and I'm glad it didn't because it shouldn't be necessary.
I think the plan is to make som chamomile tea, watch the Big Bang Theory and just pass out, in time? I'm out of ideas for getting tired, it's a problem I've had all of my life. I'm still set for waking up early tomorrow anyway, and I think I'll walk to the art gallery after breakfast and shower by myself, so that I can enjoy the art without having to argue with people why one piece is better than the other (all of you who knows me also knows that I tend to argue about everything sometimes. I like to be right). I can't wait for some proper me-time!
Well, I'll make me some tea now.
PLEASE, could all of you just give me some help with my sleeping issue? What do you do to fall asleep? I need all help I can get.

I love this character, if only I could live with him for a week or two.
NZ vs. Sweden #3


Auckland vs. Helsingborg
Winner: most definatley Helsingborg.
Auckland is a nice city, but what I don't like about that city is that even though it has 1.2 million people living there, it still feels like a small town. That would be because city centre actually consist mostly of stores and businesses. Helsingborg is a much more warmer and nicer place, and I miss walking around there just enjoying the beautiful atmosphere.
Auckland has the amazing Skytower, the highest building in the Southern hemosphere, and Helsingborg has Kärnan. Two buildings representing each city, but I think that Kärnan has more character than Skytower in the end. Helsingborg is one of the few things I really, really miss and I'm exited to just walk there again and look out the water in the North Shore.
2-1 to Sweden.
Sunday <3
I'm off from work until wednesday, so today I enjoyed my first day off with Omar. I met him up in town for breakfast, and then we went to the supermarket and bought some good food, yum!
Dinner: bean stew consisting white and kidney beans, carrots, peas, mushroom and tomato sauce.
Dessert: tray of fruits consisting apple, watermelon, strawberries and banana
Later on tonight I'll make a smoothie with watermelon, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries & blackberries.
The plans for the coming days off are:
- art gallery
- botanic garden
- beach
For now, I just finished dinner and about to start on dessert, while enjoying Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on tv.
Ciao beautiful people!
Don't worry, be happy
I am quite hungry, and I can assure you that if there was a sushi place nearby open this time I'd go there for some vegetarian (with cucumber, capsicum and avodado) or salmon and avocado sushi. Yum! BUT, unfortunatley, there isn't, no I'm just going to make me some food.. But I can't decide whether to have breakfast or "late" dinner.
Breakfast --> natural yoghurt with berries, apples & bananas, nuts, almons and dried fruit (raisins, peach, bananas, figs and ananas)
Dinner --> noodles and a boiled egg
I can't quite decide if I feel like something sweet (breakfast) or salty (dinner). Hmm. I think I'll go for noodles and egg right now, and then the healthy stuff when I wake up late today.
Otherwise, the plan for today is:
Meet Omar around 1 pm for coffee and a tour in the Botanic Garden, which I haven't been to yet (only seen the one in Auckland), and then see what happens. Maybe go to Countdown to buy more noodles.
Sooooo, some "dinner" now, or well, food, and then sleeeeeeeeeeeeep!!!
Good morning!!! ♥
On track
Okay, making progress here.
- I've got a pedometer (=stegräknare), and it'll be interesting to see ho many steps I take during a night at work
- I went to Countdown and bought some healthy, good food:
frozen berries
unsweetened & non fat yoghurt
trim milk
dried fruit
nuts and almonds
falafel mix
For snack I made a banana and blueberry smoothie with yoghurt, honey and linseed, and for dinner I made falafel and an egg on toast. Yum! I'm off to work in 30 minutes or so, and now I have a mix of nuts and dried fruits to bring, it really sucks to go hungry ay work, hehe. Feels good, I'll do my best to get my body in to a better condition, I need it! And oh, I've got biceps since I started at Micky's! Really, you can tell by eye! It's probably from lifting heavy (for me) trays of glasses all night. Oh yeeeah, never did I believe that my biceps could increase in size but apparently they can, yay!
Feels good aye, I'm off to get ready for work now. Ciao!
As I said, detox. I even bought a detox journal. Oh yeeeea.
And oh, I am also thinking about going even more vegetarian than I already am.. That would be no red meat at all and no chicken, fish only. I eat heaps of eggs, so I don't really have to worry about the protein (only the cholesterol and heart problems, haha). How do you reckon? I think it would be for a good cause if I would quit red meat and chicken, for both the environment and the possibly mistreated animals.
Another thing, speaking of, is free range eggs. They are really expensive, but every time I have one of my cage eggs, I just feel terrible. Poor chickens!!!!!
Anywho, I'm off to countdown now to buy some good stuff. Tee hee!

Before I die
- volonteer in Africa
- live in Italy long enough to become fluent in Italian
The list will become longer
SB in my ♥
It's now 9.40 in the morning. I haven't been up this early since, well,... I can't even remember? I should sleep more since I have work tonight, but I'll just have a nap later on.
Anywho, plan for today: put on some clothes and go to town to fix some things. Go to Starbucks to have a BIG frappé and enjoy possibly good weather. Before that, go to the dairy and get something to kick start me. Like coke.
I'm too tired to write something interesting, but too bored to think of something else to do but blog as I'm lying in my bed with my computer on my lap.
My apologies.
Good morning
Anywho, I went to bed around 3 am, and woke up at 6.30 am and have been awake since, so now I'm just waiting for time to pass by so that I can go to the bank. Until then, I just might go to the dairy and buy something to drink and watch the Big Bang Theory or something on the TV.
Uuuuuuuh. I love my flatmate! All night long I had her and James shouting "SWEDE", there couldn't have been anyone who at the end of the night didn't know that I am from Sweden. Haha awesome, I just love it! Ah well, I'm off to the dairy soon enough, until then I'll just chill out in my bed, watching the Big Bang Theory (and hoping for the person to inspect the apartment won't show up when I'm here).
Even though I'm tired, I can't sleep. I'll probably stay up for an hour or so just chilling, can't really go to bed straight after work. Well, work was all good and I'm off tomorrow. I'll try to get up earlier than I usually do to see if it would make me less tired during the day, and also to clean. Inspection on Friday (tomorrow) huh. And then in the evening it's thai restaurant with Kels. Yay!
Buuuuuuuut I'll turn on the TV or something. Maybe have some Indian food (starving!!) and then hopefully fall asleep soon. And oh, I do have one suggestion for my resolution: return to Swe in better shape than I left the country with? Quiestion is if I'll actually pull that off. I'll give it some more consideration.
Good night (to you in Sweden: have a good day!)
Butter Chicken
I feel hungover tonight. I tend to feel that way every day after working, which is wierd because I rarely feel hungover when I actually have been drinking. Oh well. Kelsey and I just ordered some Indian food (believe it or not but I actually quite enjoy an Indian dish called butter chicken) so we're waiting for our food, watching Two and a half Men. Tomorrow is Kelseyday, so we're going out for dinner to a BYO place (a restaurant where you can bring your own wine) and have a nice night together. Work starts in three hours so until then I'll relax, eat and try to find some energy deep down inside of me, I know it's somewhere hehe!
Ah well, Erika from my class in high school is coming soon and I am very exited. She'll be my first visitor, amazing!!!!!
Back to relaxing now, I don't think work will be too busy tonight, probably work from 11 pm till 4 am if I work at both bars, which I most likely will. Okay, it os quite stressful running up and down doing the glassy job for two bars, but I like it :)

I could use some excercise now, haha. Maybe start up a new FC Salad when I return to Auckland?
Next week is going to be crazy as, and I am soooo happy! I've been given six shifts, all of them working at the two bars at the same time, so I'll most likely be sleeping all week being tired, but gosh I am so grateful for some extra hours. Thank the lord (or rather Kirsty who's in charge).
But yeah... I'm really tired, so I'm off to bed. Tomorrow I need to go to the bank, call WSA about my contract and shit, then work all night. I hope everyone's enjoying winter in Sweden, believe me when I say I do miss snow, which I haven't seen for quite a while now.
Woooorkeliwork, I'm happy!!

"Approved by life"
Today has been sooo boring! It's a public holiday, so most places are closed, hence not much to do in a small town as Christchurch with 350 000 people, more or less. I wanted to go to the art gallery but that will have to be done another time. Thank God I'm working tonight. I'll be off in two hours, so until then I'll do some cleaning for inspection three days from today.
My iTunes is set on my "best of Sweden" playlist, so Lars Winnerbäck is on right now with the song Tvivel. I did make a proper dinner today: schnitzel with oven baked fries, an egg and some chick peas, creds for me!
Anywho, in two days (more or less regarding the time difference) it'll be six months on the spot since I left Sweden. So wierd, it means that I've consumed half of my time here and it does remind me that time really flies by and soon I'll be sitting on a flight out of New Zealand, not to come back most likely in plenty of years. I'll be leaving one home for another. Which one do I like the most? In all honesty, I don't know.
I really want to do my bachelor abroad. I want to see new places, speak a different language than the one a grew up with. I want ro explore. But a while ago I just set my mind on Sweden anyway, even though it was quite impossible to find something that suited me and what I want to do. The few that I actually found were in schools that, at least I, find are not as much a priveledge to enrol with as the older, more traditional universities. I have, however, found one similar to what I study in Auckland up north in Sweden. It is called "Public relations and communication programme with specialization in peace studies and development work" and is to be found in Växjö at Linnéuniversitetet. It was a while ago now since I found it, and when I first read about it I had the same feeling as when I first read about Conflict Resolution, the one I'm doing right now.
It starts every September. I was hoping to find something that starts in the beginning of the year, because that would mean that I still could fulfil my dreams of Thailand and Australia. But it is just a fact that I won't wait until September 2012 to continue my studies, that would be insane and nothing I'm willing to do. I planned for a few months of travelling in between studies, not a year and a half.
I'll just apply for it and cross my fingers to be accepted. If so, I'll have a few weeks home, and then away again up north to stay there for three years. Maybe I could live out my dreams after those three years, between my bachelor and master, who knows. Anywho, there is a possibility to do the fourth semester abroad, which would be tempting. But it won't be anything to think about until I'm in my second or third semester so I'll skip the plan making for that.
People who knows me well are aware of my way of making plans. They always change. I'm not sure how I will feel about this study in three months, but as far as I know myself I will be as much interested as I am now. I've done most preparations one could do before even applying for the study (won't be able to do it until 15 March) so I'll just wait.
Ah well, it is hard to make a decision when my whole future depends on it. I won't wait with fulfilling my dreams until I'm too old for doing it. I'm young, and I will use my youth as much as possible. I know it will all sort itself out, in time. I mean, my dream during high school to do after graduation was travelling, studying and working, for experiencing, learning and making some money and I am doing all of it right here. Maybe I can find a solution for the next step? I know that whatever I choose to do, it will be the right one.
So many people doubted me and critizied me for my NZ plans before I got here, for a number of reasons. All I can say is that I was right and you were wrong. It's not fun when people drag you down like that, but on the other hand there will always be someone critisizing you so one might just get used to it and learn how to stand up for their dreams and make it happen. Never let someone else keep you from living your dreams! I doesn't mean that you should ignore everything people tell you, but learn how to know what to really listen to and what not to.
Well, those were the thoughts of the day. I'll get started on my cleaning now, work in 1,5 hours!
And oh, I still haven't decided on my resolutions. Reading The Gretch's blog reminded me that I really should determine them now, or soon enough. I'll give it a few more days, can't just promise anything, it has to be fulfilled!

Me in Changi, Singapore, "a few days ago"
Well, I'll hit the shower and then go for a quicky in to town. I am tired as usual. I like my job, but there is no denial of that I am quite pleased that I don't have to work night shifts for too long from now, a month and a half.
But yeah: shower -> breakfast -> town -> dinner -> work
Sorry for a boring post. To be honest I just can't be bothered right now to make it any interesting at all (just woke up).
Pleasant surprise
Hi y'all, as the Gretch would say!
Work yesterday was all good. It was entirely dead the first hours, but I kept myself busy all night with cleaning glasses in some kind of solution that makes them shine more, so I didn't just stick around waiting for the action, hehe. We did get busy later on, thank God!
Well. Today has been quite slow, mostly because of the weather: it's been too hot to even be outside so we've just been watching movies and relaxed. Also had some drinks but it never hurts though. The best thing though was when I got paid and realized that I've earned like twice as much as I thought and that rent is paid and I've already bought food for the week, so I put it all in my piggy bank. I also got paid more per hour for working on new years eve, so I can't deny that Im happy over saving some moneeeeey, yay!
Well, here's the plan for the week:
Monday: off from work, chill out
Tuesday: go do something during the day, then work
Wednesday: work
Thursday: off from work, drinks with my wonderful flatmate Kelsey
Friday: work
Saturday: work
Sunday: off from work
Not too bad aye, nice with a few days and I hope they'll call me in for some more hours as well.
Ah well, it's almost 12.30 am and I am really tired, I just thought I might give you guys an update (especially since I'm terribly bad at answering my mail). I think I'll grab my Nat Geo magazines and read them for a while and then fall asleep.
Buona notte
Jag sitter i mitt rum, lyssnar på Lars Winnerbäck (har en "Best of Sweden" playlist med bland annat Winnerbäck, The Ark, Carolina Liar, Robyn, The Sounds, Krunegård, Hellström osv.) och svettas. Ja, det gör jag faktiskt. Klockan är kvart i åtta på kvällen och det är dövarmt. Det är underligt, för solen har inte varit framme i mer än fem minuter under hela dagen.. Det har varit molningt och blåsigt, men FAN så varmt. Shorts och linne känns som en enorm dunjacka.
Jag jobbade på nyårsnatten, men det var ok. Började 10, så innan dess förfestade jag med Kelsey och ett par andra människor hemma hos oss, drack vin, åt plockmat och hade allmänt kul. Sen var det jobb till sex på morgonen, hemma sju. SJUKT sliten, baren var fullpackad HELA natten och folk är verkligen odrägliga när de är fulla. Hade så många män som försökte ragga upp mig och det blir ganska jobbigt i längden, haha. Men det var kul, och vi avslutade med en jägerbomb och sen hem till mig för att dricka vin (vi måste ju också få fira lite!). Slutade med att vi tömde 2,5 flaska vin och en flaska vodka, sen stack vi till stranden.
Jobbade igår med, utan att ha sovit däremellan vilket var lite sjukt men inte så farligt. Det var så dött att jag fick sluta vid midnatt, fick min staffie öl och stannade och spelade biljard med Omar i tre timmar.
Så idag har jag sovit igen de timmarna jag gått miste om tidigare, hängt runt på ett shoppingcenter och druckit kaffe och snart ska jag laga middag och vila. Sen är det jobb, och jag hoppas innerligt att det är mer stress ikväll. Det finns sannerligen inget värre än att gå runt där utan någonting att göra, jag föredrar att ha saker upp över öronen och kuta runt och försöka hinna med allting på en gång.
Medan vi väntade på något att göra fulade jag, Jamie och Andres oss. Andres började tvätta väggarna, vi tog på oss underliga hattar osv som kunder har glömt kvar och allmänt fjantat oss. Jag har riktigt härliga människor på jobb och det fy skam att jag inte har AUT och Micky Finn's i samma stad. Min chef bad mig att bara stanna här och jobba, men det är ingen plats att bli kvar på med tanke på lönen. Åh om pengar ändå inte hade spelat så stor roll, då hade jag gärna haft det jobbet en stund till.
Men ja, jag städar upp på mitt rum och försöker göra det mer personligt, så jag har satt upp lite brev, en nz karta och bilder på väggarna, och även svenska mynt i brist på annat att fylla ut vita väggar med. Fast det ser ganska ok ut, och jag får ju vara lite nationalistisk, hehe.
Om det ändå inte vore så varmt! Det är omöjligt att ha energi som det är nu; föreställ er att leva ett normalt liv inuti en bastu; ungefär så känns det just nu!
Ja, jag har inte så mycket intressanta saker att dela med mig av just nu, jag är trött som fan och livet rullar på som vanligt. Jag har inte blivit tjock eller smal, jag är inte gravid, jag har inte gjort något spännande med mitt hår, jag har inte en pojkvän och jag är fortfarande 159,5 cm lång. Jag kommer att vara samma person när jag kommer hem, i grund och botten.
Nu ska jag fixa lite middag och ladda inför en kväll av härlig live musik och förhoppningsvis massvis att göra!
Gott nytt år på er alla.
Förresten. Vad är era nyårslöften?
Jag har faktiskt inte fastställt mitt ännu, jag har för många olika att välja mellan!

Jobb ikväll! Dessutom många timmar nästa vecka, lyckan är gjord!