Pleasant surprise
Hi y'all, as the Gretch would say!
Work yesterday was all good. It was entirely dead the first hours, but I kept myself busy all night with cleaning glasses in some kind of solution that makes them shine more, so I didn't just stick around waiting for the action, hehe. We did get busy later on, thank God!
Well. Today has been quite slow, mostly because of the weather: it's been too hot to even be outside so we've just been watching movies and relaxed. Also had some drinks but it never hurts though. The best thing though was when I got paid and realized that I've earned like twice as much as I thought and that rent is paid and I've already bought food for the week, so I put it all in my piggy bank. I also got paid more per hour for working on new years eve, so I can't deny that Im happy over saving some moneeeeey, yay!
Well, here's the plan for the week:
Monday: off from work, chill out
Tuesday: go do something during the day, then work
Wednesday: work
Thursday: off from work, drinks with my wonderful flatmate Kelsey
Friday: work
Saturday: work
Sunday: off from work
Not too bad aye, nice with a few days and I hope they'll call me in for some more hours as well.
Ah well, it's almost 12.30 am and I am really tired, I just thought I might give you guys an update (especially since I'm terribly bad at answering my mail). I think I'll grab my Nat Geo magazines and read them for a while and then fall asleep.
Buona notte