young blood

There is a certain obsession about our own appearance to others. We need nice apartments, spacious with nice furniture and expensive paintings. Our clothes should be branded and unique, yet worn by enough people to be considered a trend. Our education should be flawless and our jobs admireable.

It really bothers me how all of this works. Of course, I'm a part of it as much as anyone else. Even though I buy clothes based on how much I like them rather on the brand or price, I still wander the stores of designer brands and long for the newest technology. It's pretty sad, isn't it?

Well, I'm not sure of where that was going. Just some thoughts, I suppose.

Lately my head has been a mess, I haven't really sorted out things quite yet. I'm missing my friends and as nice as it is being back "home", I don't belong here. I don't feel like home here. I'm moving in a month, which should feel amazing but instead it's just a big countdown to leaving this place, and that is just depressing. Will I ever find a place to settle down in? To feel like home?

Well, I will find no answers until that day actually comes. I guess I should stop wondering until then.


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