Fairytale of New York
So I've been in New York for a few days now, since the 31st July. I've hung out with Gretchen and so far we've had a blast together, and I've realized just how much I missed her. It's hard to grasp when you're far away from each other, but now that we are reunited I never want to leave her side. I love my friend! I've also met Nick, Emma and Angel, three wonderful people whom I befriended in New Zealand.
Gretchen and I spent the first night at Nick's place, and the next two in a hostel right next to Central Park, on Upper West Side. It's very nice, although we're changing rooms every night we're enjoying our stay there, it's cheap and charming, plus it's a hostel, what can possibly go wrong with that?
Our touristing have been insanely intense, least to say. Yesterday alone we went on a morning walk in Central Park around 6:45 am. We later made our way to the Statue of Liberty (need I mention she's BEAUTIFUL?) and Ellis Island. We went on a bus tour around the city, walked down Wall Street, touched the bull (and its balls, of course). We met up with a friend of Gretchen's friend, had a few drinks and got a lift into Times Square where we went on to Madame Tussaud's. Oh Gosh, it ws so much fun there! We got to see a 4D movie as wellwhich was fun. After Madame T's we made our way back to the hostel. Well, we tried to. It took us about 2,5 hours after riding the right train but in the wrong directions, falling asleep in the Subway and walking on the wrong streets. After a very long time, a lot of cursing and Gretchen talking to herself for like 3 km we made it back to the International Student Centre.
Today we had a sleep in, got up around 7.15, had a looong shower (because we smelled since yesterday, without exaggerating) and now we're having breakfast at Starbucks around the corner. Next mission is bike rentals in Central Park, Museum of Modern Arts, Guggenheim Museum and tonight we're doing the Empire State building, sometime after midnight.
This was a very brief update, but there's more to come. I've got so many stories and about 850 pictures.