What to do, what to do. No, literally!
Sooo, curious about what I'm doing during my time here? Figured I could write this week's to-do-list:
10am - 1pm: group meeting journalism
1pm - 4pm: journalism lecture
5pm - 7pm: Japanese language lecture
10am - 1pm: journalism lecture
1pm - 4pm: group meeting journalism
4pm - 4.45pm: group meeting public relations
4.45 - 6pm: group meeting journalism
Laundry night
10am - 1pm: lecture journalism
1pm - 5pm: group meeting journalism + press conference
5pm - 7pm: Japansese language lecture
Study at home; press conference + journalism group work
10am: group meeting journalism + press conference
8.45pm: work
Noonish: group meeting journalism + press conference
Evening: do preparation work for theme day/public relations
9.20pm: work
Noonish: group meeting journalism + press conference
8.20 pm: work
Group work journalism + press conference, time undecided so far.
3pm: extra cleaning day at work
Ahhhh, my schedule is crucial, I like it though. No wonder I have a lot of things to do as I'm trying to take a lot of responsiblility regarding our Peace & Development Theme Day. Japanese takes a lot of time, learning all the signs and such. So does our journalism course, in which we have firstly group works that will be handed in very soon. Next week we're also having press conferences, and the weeks after that we will have seminars and a home exam. Except from this, I have just joined two organisations; the United Nation's local youth group and another organisation called Jusek which is a great portal for hunting down jobs already, getting to know the business and such.
Feels good, this is probably the busiest time since my final exams my second semester in NZ at AUT. Woop.
10am - 1pm: group meeting journalism
1pm - 4pm: journalism lecture
5pm - 7pm: Japanese language lecture
10am - 1pm: journalism lecture
1pm - 4pm: group meeting journalism
4pm - 4.45pm: group meeting public relations
4.45 - 6pm: group meeting journalism
Laundry night
10am - 1pm: lecture journalism
1pm - 5pm: group meeting journalism + press conference
5pm - 7pm: Japansese language lecture
Study at home; press conference + journalism group work
10am: group meeting journalism + press conference
8.45pm: work
Noonish: group meeting journalism + press conference
Evening: do preparation work for theme day/public relations
9.20pm: work
Noonish: group meeting journalism + press conference
8.20 pm: work
Group work journalism + press conference, time undecided so far.
3pm: extra cleaning day at work
Ahhhh, my schedule is crucial, I like it though. No wonder I have a lot of things to do as I'm trying to take a lot of responsiblility regarding our Peace & Development Theme Day. Japanese takes a lot of time, learning all the signs and such. So does our journalism course, in which we have firstly group works that will be handed in very soon. Next week we're also having press conferences, and the weeks after that we will have seminars and a home exam. Except from this, I have just joined two organisations; the United Nation's local youth group and another organisation called Jusek which is a great portal for hunting down jobs already, getting to know the business and such.
Feels good, this is probably the busiest time since my final exams my second semester in NZ at AUT. Woop.
Yeah, that's right. I sent in my application a few days ago regarding my exchange semester starting in January next year. The list goes:
1. Iceland, Reykjavik at Háskóli Islands
2. Iceland, Akureyri at University of Akureyri
3. Italy, Salerno at Università degli studi di Salerno
4. Italy, Torino at Università degli studi di Torino
5. Ireland, Limmerick at Mary Immaculate College Limmerick
6. England, London at Roehampton University
Of course I'm hoping the get a spot at Háskóli Islands in Reykjavik, as they have the most interesting courses for me, but no matter where I'll end up going I'm sure it'll be great.
I'll probably know in a month whether I got a spot, and if so where I'll be going. Wish me luck!
1. Iceland, Reykjavik at Háskóli Islands
2. Iceland, Akureyri at University of Akureyri
3. Italy, Salerno at Università degli studi di Salerno
4. Italy, Torino at Università degli studi di Torino
5. Ireland, Limmerick at Mary Immaculate College Limmerick
6. England, London at Roehampton University
Of course I'm hoping the get a spot at Háskóli Islands in Reykjavik, as they have the most interesting courses for me, but no matter where I'll end up going I'm sure it'll be great.
I'll probably know in a month whether I got a spot, and if so where I'll be going. Wish me luck!
Klara came up to Växjö yesterday and stayed until a few hours ago. Couldn't be happier about meeting her, and it was so great being able to show her how I live and everything. We went out to Stallarna, and today we just hung and went out for a walk around the frozen lake.
As for now I'm chilling in my couch watching Disney movies. Just finished Tangled, and now I'm about to watch Hercules. So great, love Disney!
However I'll continue my cosy evening. Lot's of love! <3

The letters Tomo gave me to read when I left New Zealand. They remind me that friends are always there for your support and love, no matter where they are. I will always keep them where I can see them!

My rugby ball, loving it!

My Mom gave me this angel, and she's sitting together with Buddha on a shelf.

And some pics I took last night here in Växjö,..

Exhaled just before I took this picture. You know it's really cold outside when your breath looks like this.

The panicking part of growing older
As often as a few times a week it strucks me that I am getting older. Not older as in close to retirement, but in fact not a teenager anymore, and officially grown up. A friend of mine who's a few years older than me pointed out a few days ago that I have another ten years to just fool my life around, and that I have time to make mistakes, bu she doesn't. Her point was that if I finish my bachelor only to discover that my degree is in fact nothing I want to work with that's fine, because I still have time to figure out what I want.
That is not how I see it. Out of my point of view I will be 22 when graduating with a Bachelor's degree. I will also have my one year Certificate, which I expect to be very useful in the area I want to work in. After finishing my Bachelor I intend to finish a Master's Degree as well, as soon as possible.
Why do I need to finish it early?
Well, I believe that the younger I am when I'm done with my studies the more attractive I will be for employers. I'll have time to build my career and make myself a name, earn experience and find my place.
Why is this bad?
For every day that goes by, I'm missing out on adventures. Yes, I have this urge to drop everything to travel, explore and breathe new air.
So basically every day I think of places I want to go, untouched nature I want to experience, wild animals I want to see while they're actually still there, and ancient cities to visit. Why does it feel like a choice between travelling, and studying? Why do I feel like time is slipping away? And why do I feel so much anxiety about not being able to live my dreams before I turn 40? Because in all honesty, I can't imagine a life without travelling just as much as I can't imagine a life without the career I aim for.
Even though I have hopes about being able to combine the two of them, it still scares me that one of them will be put aside. My worst nightmare is to get stuck in the same suburb I grew up in, have kids and have them go to the same school I went to, and have the same, aged teachers I had. No offense. I know there's a lot of people who do that, including my parents, and there's nothing wrong with that. But I just can't see myself doing that, I'd rather die! I do, however, slightly envy those people's capability of settling down, as I can't quite do that myself.
Example: I loved living in Auckland, and even though it was hard to leave I couldn't imagine living there for much longer. I even moved away after five months because the city was starting to get "boring" and "worn out" in a way I can't even explain.
Oh well, I do hope for the best and until I finish my studies I'll have to settle for shorter and touristic trips. In the end, I am spoiled being able to travel the way I have for the past two years, and I am most grateful for what I have seen, even though it's not much.
The future shall tell what my life turns out to be. Let's just hope for the best at the moment.
That is not how I see it. Out of my point of view I will be 22 when graduating with a Bachelor's degree. I will also have my one year Certificate, which I expect to be very useful in the area I want to work in. After finishing my Bachelor I intend to finish a Master's Degree as well, as soon as possible.
Why do I need to finish it early?
Well, I believe that the younger I am when I'm done with my studies the more attractive I will be for employers. I'll have time to build my career and make myself a name, earn experience and find my place.
Why is this bad?
For every day that goes by, I'm missing out on adventures. Yes, I have this urge to drop everything to travel, explore and breathe new air.
So basically every day I think of places I want to go, untouched nature I want to experience, wild animals I want to see while they're actually still there, and ancient cities to visit. Why does it feel like a choice between travelling, and studying? Why do I feel like time is slipping away? And why do I feel so much anxiety about not being able to live my dreams before I turn 40? Because in all honesty, I can't imagine a life without travelling just as much as I can't imagine a life without the career I aim for.
Even though I have hopes about being able to combine the two of them, it still scares me that one of them will be put aside. My worst nightmare is to get stuck in the same suburb I grew up in, have kids and have them go to the same school I went to, and have the same, aged teachers I had. No offense. I know there's a lot of people who do that, including my parents, and there's nothing wrong with that. But I just can't see myself doing that, I'd rather die! I do, however, slightly envy those people's capability of settling down, as I can't quite do that myself.
Example: I loved living in Auckland, and even though it was hard to leave I couldn't imagine living there for much longer. I even moved away after five months because the city was starting to get "boring" and "worn out" in a way I can't even explain.
Oh well, I do hope for the best and until I finish my studies I'll have to settle for shorter and touristic trips. In the end, I am spoiled being able to travel the way I have for the past two years, and I am most grateful for what I have seen, even though it's not much.
The future shall tell what my life turns out to be. Let's just hope for the best at the moment.
Don't go wasting your emotions..
..lay all your love on me!

a junkie an addict a slave for your love (but i'm not in love)
Wow, I never cease to amaze myself regarding my ability to sleep. I'm pretty sure that I could sleep for a whole week if nothing actually woke me up.. Well, I did sleep for 24 hours straight my last few days in New Zealand. That, however was due to sickness and a lot of red wine (but I was sick, really!).
Today I slept till 1 pm. Needless to say that I should get myself together? Even better is that I had chocolate for breakfast! Once I woke up I showered then ran off to Gabriella's place with Malin and Natasha for some cosyness. A chocolate fountain, heaps of fruit and chocolate of course, altogether with the chick flick Bring it on (I know, who ever thought I'd do something like that?) actually made a perfect start of the day!
As for now I'm back home and getting ready for work. Hopefully people will be nice tonight. Being a bartender i crazy fun and I love my job, but every now and then people tend to piss me off. Oh well, I know it'll be fun however so I'm looking forward to it.
So now I'm off to take my position in my couch named Sigvard to study. Some candles and calm music will do the trick as well, ahhhh loving it!
Ciao my lovely people.
PS. I'm really sorry about not having anything more exciting to share with you. I've been thinking about writing memories from different adventures, as my evryday life isn't that much to either write nor read about. On the other hand, I'll write whatever I feel like.... Actually, expect an anecdote in the next few days!
Pack a bag
Being a student is wonderful. It's the foundation of my future. My career.
Even though I like being a student, I wish I could just put on a backpack and get the fuck out of here. Hitch hike. Walk all the way to the Mediterranean. Spend no money, wear no expensive brands, sleep in a tent and eat only what I need.
But I guess I can do that during my uni breaks... Well, maybe not, but hopefully every now and then I'll be able to put on a backback and be close to the nature. Even for just a few days.
Even though I like being a student, I wish I could just put on a backpack and get the fuck out of here. Hitch hike. Walk all the way to the Mediterranean. Spend no money, wear no expensive brands, sleep in a tent and eat only what I need.
But I guess I can do that during my uni breaks... Well, maybe not, but hopefully every now and then I'll be able to put on a backback and be close to the nature. Even for just a few days.
Ciao belli!
Some good music on top of this <3

Today is such a great day. Started off with a morning walk with Kristina around the (frozen) lake at 9 am. Came come and made me some hazelnut coffee which i bought yesterday and it was really good, not as strong as the coffee I usually drink so perhaps more suitable to have after dinner rather than in the morning. It smells amazing though, my apartment is filled with the amazing scent of coffee and hazelnut <3
As for now I'm about to clean my apartment a bit, as I'm picking up some new furniture today (yaaaay). Later on at 5 pm I have Japanese class, and at 8 pm I'm watching my favourite comedian Jesper Rönndahl and Swedish artist Emil Jensen live, can't wait!
What a great day, and what a great start of the year!
And oh, besides all of this a package from my Mom arrived in my mailbox today, which was a shirt she bought for me and I love it! Ahhh lovely day, least to say!
Some good music on top of this <3

Woop woop


Big city life
Oh how I miss living in the big city, in the middle of everything. It's not even 11pm and there is no way to get food delievered to my door, how bad is that? I just woke up after getting some sleep, hungry as hell but with no desire for cooking at the moment and figured I'll order in. But no no no, BIG NO on that because it's not possible? Sooooo... Now I need to think of something otther than crisps to eat. Ciao.
Need I say more?
Tired, but almost done.
4 hours sleep, went up at 8am and been studying since 10ish. Time is now 2,30pm, and my exam is due 6pm. One last question, I could've been done already but lack of energy and inspiration holds me back. Come on come on come on come on energy, kickstart me!