
So I'm having brunch right now, two eggs and some coffee. Brunch is really a fancy word for being too lazy to eat breakfast in the morning, but sometimes it's nice to sleep longer. But even though I woke up at noon, I've only slept for 4 hours, thank you insomnia.

The plan for today is to start off with a nice shower, then take the bus to Jess' and get some stuff, and then find a supermarket and buy some food for dinner. I might make some chicken, problem is I have no idea whatsoever how to cook it. And I feel like baking as well. I think I'll make some chocolate balls (chokladbollar), and I'll make a heaps of them and just put them in the freezer, dessert for quite a while :) Ah sweet as!

Well, I'll just finish my coffee and then get started.

Speaking of coffee. It's a kind of funny story when it comes to me and coffee. I started drinking it quite early, 12 or so, and had a few cups a day until I was 17, when I had a whole summer when I focused on getting into shape, getting rid off all addictions (coffee, sugar) and so on. I quit coffee for the summer, and as it turns out, my body just couldn't handle the caffiene once I started drinking it again, so ever since I've kept to tea, which is good but not quite there. But since I went to Samoa in September, I've been working my way up to normal coffee consumption again, and it's sooooo good, GOSH I've missed you my dear hot beverage friend! So now I'll enjoy the rest of my pick-me-up-potion and then ger ready for a good day and night, I'm not getting any sleep until seven tomorrow morning, so I just might have a nap before that.

See ya, Ciao!


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