How important are looks, really?

One thing that is stuck in my mind, and probably most people's minds actually, is how much your body really matters? I guess it's a routine thing for a teenage girl like me to question my right to really decide what shape my body should have. If I gained weight I'd feel bad because I wouldn't have the body of the gereal persons desire. But at the same time, if I'd loose some weight people would let me know through comments etc, and then I'd feel bad for losing weight. Why is this subject such a taboo in today's society? Why do girls have to be skinny, and guys muscular? I mean it's probably as much of an issue for a guy to have a sixpack as it is for a girl to get rid off her "love handles".

My weight has been a mess since the last five months, and by that I don't mean that I've been either over- or underweight, it's been irregular which isn't the best. I gained some weight the first month and even more when I was in Samoa, and after that I've lost some as well. I haven't checked my weight until last week, and by then it was 54 kg's, which is about two or three more kilograms than before I moved to New Zealand. I'd guess I weighed at lest 57 kg's when I was in Samoa because I can feel the difference from then and now.

But seriously:

-I'm not in New Zealand to worry about my weight.
-I refuse to remeber my time here as a struggle to watch what I eat.
-I just won't go running for an hour every day when I donät want to, I only exercise when I feel like it.
-I don't want to worry about weighing more when I return to Sweden than what I did before I left.

But of course I do, I mean it's all printed in my mind, right? Anyway, no matter of how much I have this in the back of my head, it doesn't stop me from feeling confident about myself and my looks, not in any matter. By this I don't mean that Iäll just eat till I burst and weight 80 kg's, because that will NEVER happen, but a few kilos really shouldn't matter that much. Even though I am only human and sometimes just wish I could take a pill and lose 5 kg's just like that, and I agree that it does feel good to lose some weight sometimes, I still DO NOT respect people whose lives are controlled by weight and looks. Actually, I'd rather say I feel sorry for you, because you stop yourself from enjoying life and being happy.

Is it worth it?

So sure, I might one day when I feel motivated decide to lose some weight, get in shape and all of that crap, but I will never let it control my life, and I will never have a movie night without snacking.

SEPTEMBER 2010. This is me in Samoa, a bit chubby as you can see (and WASTED AS, guess what's in the glass, hahaha) right after my morning snorkeling. Even though I've had my skinnier days, I'd never be too ashamed to wear my bikini.


JULY 2008.
I estimate the weight difference to about 10 kg's between these pictures to the one from this year. In these two, I weighed about 46 kg's. Fun part is I was more worried about my body back then.


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