Neurotic me

As I was cooking my noodles, I couldn't help but reflecting on the psycho part of me. Well, maybe psycho is an exaggeration, but it's still borderline normal to crazy.

Concerning noodles

I would never refer to myself as a perfectionst, but when it comes to small details in my life, they have to be in a certain way to make me happy. When it comes to noodles, I do not want other people to make me noodles because in order for me to enjoy them, they definatley have to be overcooked, about 2 minutes more or less depending on the brand. I don't want the water, in that case I'd be makin noodle soup and not noodles, copy? And the most important: I would never put in the spices as I boil them. Never in my life!! To get the ebst taste out of it, I drain the noodles, put them in a bowl and then I add the spices. If noodles aren't made this way, I'd seriously be irritated for about two minutes, and then I'd realize it's a stupid thing to react to and eat them. But I still wouldn't enjoy them. I'd most likely not say anything about this if someone was about to make me noodles, you know for being polite.

Another example is salad

I absolutely HATE to mix salad woth food. Just recently did I learn to actually really love pasta salad (the best tudent food ever), so that would be an exception. But otherwise, salad and food are not to be mixed up. Hencefore, I hate when other people put my food on the plate, because they don't divide it as I wish they would. I want the salad in one corner, the meat/fish in one, the pasta/potatoes in one and the sauce in one. NEVER MIX! Another exception is tacos, which is actually really yum! Same principle with dressing or sauce: NEVER MIX WITH THE FOOD!! I absolutely HATE when someone pour the dressing over the salad. Yuk!

Last example is clothes

In my wardrobe, my clothes have to hang in the same direction. I don't care too much about dividing them in colours, material or whatever, as long as they hand in the same direction I'm happy. If they wouldn't, I'd go nuts.

But yeah.. Since I know it's crazy, I usually don't remind people about this. Well, I do believe that all of us are a bit crazy.

What do you have that makes you crazy?

Postat av: The Gretch the stole Christmas

I like my noodles the same way but without the spices.

Food should never touch

and if my hangers are not the same direction but my closet is also color coordinated and by type. dresses skirts and sweaters in the back then tops.

but i also stack my books and when my brothers look at them they always mess the stack up. i have them all angled a certain way. not picky. it just looks better.

2010-12-31 @ 06:22:02
Postat av: louise

I think everyone have their things. I just don't understand how you can enjoy your noodles wothout the spices? You crazy American!

2011-01-02 @ 08:09:38

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