
So I got called up last night by this bar in town that I've heard a lot of awesome things about, and they seem to want me there! I went there to check out the place, had a look at the bar and met the staff, poured a beer and just got to know the environment. And guess what? I'm working saturday night, and I am sooo exited! I've always wanted to try out the bartender job and now I finally got my chance, so I will do my best and hope to get the job, aaah I'm crossing my fingers!

And I'm pretty glad to have done all of this in less than five days in Christchurch, all the job hunting paid off! So I'm checking some books about bartending, how to mix the most popular drinks and just how to behave in general (even though I already have a pretty good clue of how to do everything, except from mixing the drinks).

Fuck yeeea!


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