Random, or is it?

So it's almost 11.30 in the evening, and I'm sitting downstairs in the lobby reading my last power point for my exam in New Zealand Political Studies (soooo much to know). We're off to Takapuna beach tomorrow morning, and do I love studying on the beach? There is seriously nothing better than lying there in the sun doing some reading, freaking amazing! I actually get heaps done there!

I'm kind of tired right now, just had some coffee with Amarula and I am considering a redbull and an all nighter with my politics (exam on thursday) and maybe some war and peace (exam on friday). I just can't wait till I'm done with all of my exams so that I can enjoy my summer, work, earn money and travel around. Damn, so exited! It's just so surreal that I'll have four months off from school, that's never happened before!! But I do believe that I will enjoy it fully, it'll be awesome actually.

Well... I guess you guys are curious abot what's going on down here.. Right now there's really not much other than studying. We celebrated Halloween last saturday which was awesome, people here really go all the way and the costume store had a line with ten people standing outside it waiting to get in, how crazy is that?

On the coming saturday, there is this pretty big rugby game, and we're about 50 people going only from WSA (Wellesley Student Apartments) and most of us are painting our faces and going all the way supporter-style, it's going to be so much fun, my first rugby game live ever! Since rugby is more of a religion than just sport down here, it'll be interesting to see how people are in the crowd, I hope for passionate cheering and supporting!

And then the week after, when all the exams are finished, most student (exchange students) leave the country.. Esme, Gretchen, Brittany, the Mexicans, the Norwegians.. All of them leave.. People that I've met, cooked with, laughed and gone through everyday life with leave me here, and it fucking sucks. I'm gonns miss those guys so damn much, so sad but I'm trying to mentally prepare for it, I don't want to break down when the day comes.. Just a couple of days away... I'l lucky though to have people I know here who are staying.

Oh well, enough of that. I still have some time with my GB's!

I'm out'a here!

What am I going to do without you?


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