B-day card, or a bomb?

Today I recieved a letter sent from Sweden. I could tell it was from my grandparents, but it was quite uneven, so before I opened it I tried to figure out what was in it. After squeezing and some shaking, it started to beep which scared the living shit out of me, nothing I expected really. As I opened it up it turned out to be one of those cards with a sound mechanism in it, with a melody. It was soo sweet, but I think the long flight over here made its marks, as the melody wasn't entirely correct, and to be honest it sounded a bit as a ticking bomb time to time, hehe.

Since I picked it up on my way to my group meeting, I brought the letter to the library. The fun part is that while I was standing in the library with one guy from my group, waiting for the rest of them to get there, the card starts to beep without me even opening it what so ever, and there was nothing I could do at the moment to make it stp. Poeple trying to study startet to stare at me with the evil eyes, probably wishing me a slow and painful death for disturbing them in the middle of their final studies, but fortunatley after 45 seconds or so I managed to make it stop beeping.

It was fun though, and pretty awesome to recive a birthday card from so far away, and it is now hanging on my wall so that I can see it whenever I want to.

I haven't spoken to them for so long now, which feels really, really wierd. Because of the time difference, making a phone call is almost impossible, especially when I have homework, a job and a social life to think about. Oh well, there will be time as school's out just a few days away, which is both exiting and depressing.

Anywho, I'm off to do some stuff now and make some dinner.



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