Seriously dead, with a touch of paranoia

I've been working all day, and will do the same tomorrow. I really shouldn't considering most of my assignments are coming up after the break, next week that is. However, these are some things I've given some thought today:

- two customers were wearing "Ghostbusters" tees
- my boss wants me to work every weekend the coming week, even though I've specifically told him I might have to take one of these off due to exams
- he also wants me to work extra, which I would've appreciated if I actually had time for it instead of going in the opposite direction
- it is impossible to stop reading after getting started on "the girl with the dragon tattoo"
- having both the book and the second season of Lost puts me in a wierd position where I have to choose between the two
- chapter 4: sensation & perception in my 500 page psychology book doesn't really make sense at all
- my new favourite candy is dried papaya

Well. That's basically what's going on in my head right now. It just makes me sick that my day was: go to work, come home from work, make dinner, study. So now I'm supposed to study, 8 pm, when all I really need is to get some sleep. Or read my book for half an hour. What doesn't help is that it's useless trying to understand something after sunset when you're really tired and without a stash of either really strong coffee of a couple of big Red Bull cans. I wouldn't mind pulling an all nighter and getting it all done, but once again I have to get up at 7 am. Kind of a problem. What to do, what to do...

On top of it all is Angels b-day party which takes place tomorrow night. I can't miss it. I've been an anti-social, non-drinking and boring student since the beginning of this semester which makes me both sad and disappointed. There is so much more I want out of this!

Besides all of that, I'm being paranoid about people breaking into the house. It might be that the iron boost pills I'm taking to keep myself from being tired are containing something else than just iron and vitamin c, or I'm simply going mad. Might also be a side effect of reading a book about sadists, mass murderers and conspiracies. Ah well. I suppose I'll give sensation and perception a shot. Can't wait till Sunday when I have the whole day off t study, and will be able to do so all night if I wish to.


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