Experiments in the kitchen

Tomorrow is nice dinner with Kelsey and James, we're having nachos with mince and chili beans and some veggies. I know I said I'm done with alcohol for a while, but I've changed my mind. Like Gretchen, I reckon that it should be okay to have a drink every now and then (the one after working all night for an example) so I'll be making watermelon and strawberry daquiri's for dinner.

For dessert, I just made FroYo (frozen yogurt) with berries. Very simple, and I hope it is good as well.

My next step in experimenting will be to dry fruit in the oven. Banana and apple will be my first try outs, and if that work out good I might go on for something more advanced. If anyone has any help to give me regarding dried fruit, please step forward.

I just finished the Bond movie Quantum of Solace, so I'll watch some more Lost and wait for sleep to kick in.



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