God only knows

It's almost 7 pm.

I am sitting in my couch, and as Kelsey is in Australia, I'll be alone for a week now. It feels a bit boring living by myself for such a long time, especially since I still haven't adjusted not being surrounded by people all the time as I was in Auckland. But on the other hand, it's not too bad and I can handle it. I have work in three hours, so I guess I'll be working from 10 pm till 4 am, be home by 5 at least. So all I need to do now before work is to rest.

I love my job, it is fun, my workmates are great and I get to meet a lot of people. But I can't help but looking forward to when I'm done there, so that I can go back to a normal rutine where I sleep by night and feel good and alert all day. Which I haven't at all now for almost two months. It just feels strange being tired all the time, having no energy to get things done, and most of all being literally blurry in my head all the time. It really is hard, and even though I always respected those who work at night, I would never think of it as this. I can do it, it's not it. I just prefer doing things all the time, going somewhere, meeting someone, exploring something. But it is simply not possible to do what I want when I feel like this. That is what I can't stand about it.

However. I'm almost done here, and I am happy to be working tonight. I can't sleep by night and I feel dizzy all day regardless if I work or not, so it would be fine by me to work every night, in all honesty. So yes, I am glad. So I have two hours to kill before I will start getting ready for work, and I will spend those two hours watching Lost or tv. My body needs rest.

Actually, the Big Bang Theory is on now. How cool wouldn't it be if Sheldon Cooper was a real person? Ah, I wish..


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