Good morning

Last night was so much fun! Kelsey, James and I went out for Thai food (delicious!!) and afterwards we ended up going out. A few terribly disgusting drinks (giving up on drinks, thank God for beer) and some shots, and of course we ended up at Burger King. It's been a long time since I went out dancing, probably a month or so, but it's all good and I think I'll wait another month until I do it again. Properly, that is.

Anywho, I went to bed around 3 am, and woke up at 6.30 am and have been awake since, so now I'm just waiting for time to pass by so that I can go to the bank. Until then, I just might go to the dairy and buy something to drink and watch the Big Bang Theory or something on the TV.

Uuuuuuuh. I love my flatmate! All night long I had her and James shouting "SWEDE", there couldn't have been anyone who at the end of the night didn't know that I am from Sweden. Haha awesome, I just love it! Ah well, I'm off to the dairy soon enough, until then I'll just chill out in my bed, watching the Big Bang Theory (and hoping for the person to inspect the apartment won't show up when I'm here).



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