Greetings from down under


Today has been lazy. I woke up in the afternoon, exhausted from working all night. And then it took me a few hours to find energy to move, and once I did I went to Rock Pool, one of the bars I work in, for dinner. Well, I had my breakfast, lunch and dinner at 10.30: nachos. I suppose I'm not living the most healthy lifestyle right now, but as far as I concern, how is it possible to when I work the way I do? No complaints though, I enjoy it a lot!

So I went to Rock Pool for dinner, had a chat with my workmates and a few cups of coffee while reading the newspaper. I must say I'm surprised about having such a quiet Friday. It's my first Friday off since I started working here, and I didn't even feel like going out. I went home around 1 am and I have had a relaxing night with myself since. I skyped and right now I'm cuddling up with Erin Brockovich in the dvd.


This is not how I spend every day, even though a quiet day is good every now and then.

Saturday: work 10 pm till close
Sunday: beach if nice weather
Monday: hopefully going to the museum
Tuesday: going out with friends from work

Then around the 10th of February, my sister and I will rent a car and drive around the South Island and explore. The 19th we'll be on the flight to Auckland, and the 28th school starts again. I can't wait to see all of my wonderful friends up north again.

Well, that's a quick update from me. Since I can't sleep by night, I'll enjoy the movie with a cup of chamomile tea. Lot's of love from the southern hemosphere.

/Louise "Swedie"


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